Thursday, October 14, 2010


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths."
-Proverbs 3:5,6 RSV

I use eBay sometimes when there is something that
cannot be acquired locally, or I do not want to pay
the new price.

My habit is to keep track of the item I'm interested in. Then if the bidding
is to my liking, jump in at the last minute.If I win the bid, I want to pay as
soon as I win. Then I "Owe no one anything," and can forget the whole
process until the item shows up at my door step.

My last purchase was not quit that simple. ( Yes I had prayed about it.
And possibly, like yourself, it was more to get the Lord's permission than
to find his will.) After winning the bid I tried to pay. And tried to pay.
And tried to pay. The seller's system simply would not except my input.
What should have been about three clicks of a mouse and a password
had grown to forty-five minutes of frustration. (Yes I'm an old, OLD
man.) I finally gave up in total exasperation.

Later in the day while burning trash I sat on a log and prayed even more
fervently. The Lord put a thought in my mind. So I went up to the house,
pulled out the lap top, and tried the idea.

You know as well as I do what happened. First time it went right through.
I had been relying on my insights instead of properly acknowledging HIM.
We have a great, wonderful, loving God who wants to lead us aright - if we
will but let him.