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Hey preacher.
Please help me. You see I am not a very smart man.
I am just an old man living back here in the Ozark
hills. Why, I am so ignorant I do not even have a
"Dr." in front of my name - what ever that means.
Preacher what I do not understand is this. My
impression is that your mandate is:
"Go into all the world and preach the
gospel to all creation."
(Mark 16:15 NASB)
And it seems that the apostles and first Christians
understood it to mean:
"And they went out and preached
(Mark 16:20 NASB)
Please explain to me how,
Standing behind a pulpit,
In a building,
with the doors shut,
preaching to people who believe like you do,
Is going out and preaching the Gospel
to the whole world.