It is hard to believe. But here is the proof.
Evolution must be true.
You can see the back of the house and the garage.
It has been like this for years and years. [Less than a
million or two years.] That is other than the bicycle
and the flower pots moving around at random.
one day I noticed a collection of metal and wood
molecules accumulated near the back door. Being
smart I realized that these molecules were a missing
link in the beginning of the evolutionary process.
This process is far too complex to have a designer
or builder. Something this intricate has to just happen.
You know, be a accident that came from nothing.
Sure enough. With some time, plus some heat, plus some
cold and the accumulation of more metal molecules and
even some aluminum molecules. That mass of material
became an awning. Just from lots of nothing and lots and
lots of time.
It makes a person feel extra smart to realize that so much
can happen all by it's self with out a designer, creator
or builder.
Or, perhaps instead as
Stuart K, Hine said it so well when he penned the words;
"O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder consider
all the worlds Thy hands hath made, I see the stars,
I hear the rolling thunder, Thy pow'r throughout
The universe displayed;"