Tuesday, March 31, 2020


"In worship, the worshipper comes to minister
to the Lord, not to receive anything.  It is a 
time of giving to God the glory due unto His 
-Brother Bakht Singh of India

Sunday, March 29, 2020


Still browsing around in the book of Philippians
we find this sad comment.

"I have no one else like Timothy, who genuinely
cares about your welfare.  All the others care
only for themselves and not for what matters
to Jesus Christ."  
(Philippians 2:20,21 NLT)

Paul of course is writing from prison in Rome
at this point.  You will remember that there is a 
church or group of Christians in Rome and they
have been encouraged in their living for God by 
Paul's presence there in prison.  And it seems that
there are some companions along with Paul.

out of all of these there is only one person who
cares enough about other Christians to go check
on them for Paul.  The others were all too selfish
in their affairs to worry about the work of Jesus

When asked about the greatest commandment
Jesus himself stated;

"You must love the LORD your God with all
your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.
This is the first and greatest commandment.
A second is equally important: 'Love your
neighbor as yourself. The entire law and all
the demands of the prophets are based on
these two commandments.'".  
(Matthew 22:37 - 40 NLT)

Now caring only about your own interest is 
not loving your neighbor as yourself.

God allows us to make the choice,
am I going to be interested in the things
that concern me and mine or the things
that are of concern to Jesus Christ.

Friday, March 27, 2020


Pardon me if I brake stride a little on this post today.
But you see, yesterday afternoon I was simply 
overwhelmed by the mercy and goodness of God.
You know, when something good happens you just
want to share it with somebody.  And, you are the

Yesterday morning I had gone into town for a routine
check up at the oncologist.  Yep, even if we are under
quarantine.   It was hard to understand all the nurses with
their masks on.  But all was well.

Then I came home to an annual "honey do".  That is
a lot of work.  You see, my wife has this area she calls
her yard.  It extends from the house out to the retaining
wall.  You guys will understand this.  It is an area that 
needs to be mowed, but being a woman she makes it
into an obstacle course filled with all these plants that
have to be mowed around, trimmed around and weeded.
Then to add to it, years ago she planted a lot of clusters
of pampas grass around the retaining wall.  At least 
that helps keep you from falling off over the wall and
breaking your neck.

Now more to the point.  As you understand every spring
all the dead growth in the pampas grass has to be cut off
back to the new growth.  Over the years the pampas grass
has grown bigger and bigger - and I have grown older and
tireder and tireder.

After all the pampas grass was cut back and the old growth
raked up and hauled away to be burned the wife made me 
sit down and rest.  Yes I was ready.

But after a short rest, I was ready to go again and went
down to the shop and was loading up a bunch of scrap
wood on the truck to be hauled off.  When it hit me.
Here I was eighty six years old working along and enjoying
it and I should have been dead about seven years ago.
I began to realize how good God had been to me and 
it was almost more than I could take.

You see, back probably the last week of July in 2014
I ended up in the Emergency room at the local hospital.
The cause was my body had quit making blood.  A man
is suppose to have a blood count of 15.  But my blood 
count was only 5.  Try working with only 1/3 of the blood
you need and you will understand my problem.

From that day until October 25, 2015 I have been in 
one hospital or another four times.  And of course a time
or two a week hooked up to a machine living on other 
peoples blood.

This is not the point here.  But for a year I lived on other
peoples blood.  And it calls to mind another principle.
If we are going to avoid the fires of and eternal hell, 
we need to appropriate the blood of Jesus Christ for 
our selves and have the life of God himself instilled
in us.

Back to my point.
I am throughly convinced that all the serums and things
that the doctors gave me are not what healed me.
But that is was the answer of prayer to God almighty.
And God leading me in a different direction than the 
doctors were taking me.  I have proven this to myself
several times.

But what ever the cause I want to,

Praise God.

Thursday, March 26, 2020


"Take delight in the LORD,
and he will give you your heart's desires."
(Psalms 37:4 NLT)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Do you feel like a "nobody"?
I sure do.

In fact I cannot even make "a has been".  I am a
"never been", a no body.  But while browsing around
in the book of Philippians I find an encouraging thought.

"... Work hard to show the results of your salvation,
obeying God with deep reverence and fear.  For God
is working in you, giving you the desire and the power
to do what pleases him."
(Philippians 2:12b, 13 NLT)

Now some translations say it this way;

"... work out your own salvation with
fear and trembling."

That makes it sound like we have to work to
be saved.  That of course is not the case.
The apostle Paul the writer of the book of
Philippians is also the author of the book
of Ephesians where he said;

"God saved you by his grace when you believed.
And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift
from God.  Salvation is not a reward for the 
good things we have done, so none of us can
boast about it.  For we are God's masterpiece.
He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can
do the good things he planned for us long ago."  
(Ephesians 2:8-10 NLT)

But back to the point at hand.
If I am a true Christian, a child of God he is saying;
God is working in me.  God is giving me the desire
and power to live in a pleasing way to him.

As a child of God, I may be a NOTHING the way
the people of the world look at things.  But God
is working in me and I am to;

"Do everything without complaining and arguing,
so that no one can criticize you.  Live clean, 
innocent lives as children of God, shining like
bright lights in a world full of crooked and 
perverse people."  
(Philippians 2:14,15 NLT)

Did you catch that?
If we do nothing more than live the way God
wants us to, i.e, a good "Christian" life we really
are like "... shining bright lights ..." in this old
dirty sinful world.  Now that is far better than 
being a "movie star" or some celebrity.

Further, our day is still to come in the near 
future.  The prophet Daniel when speaking of
the time in which we live says there is coming
a time when;

"Many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried
will rise up, some to everlasting life and some to
shame and everlasting disgrace.  Those who are
wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who
lead many to righteousness will shine like the 
stars forever."  
(Daniel 12:2,3 NLT)

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


"Those who testify to a genuine deeper encounter
with God all experience this brokenness and 
humility that result from submission."

- K.P. Yohannan
Touching Godliness Through Submission

Monday, March 23, 2020


We are living in a world that is suffering from an 
overdose of self-esteem.  The pride of mankind
is damaging our relationships with each other.

Admittedly, as we watch these proud peacocks
running around trying to portray the image of;
an important business man or an intellectual
or a super model or a big bad biker or just
a good old boy or even a super saint - we 
scoff at them - to ourselves.  And might even
laugh out loud when they trip and fall.

God tells us that there will be a time when this
will all be brought down.  I confess, I'm looking
forward to it.

"Human pride will be brought down,
and human arrogance will be 
Only the LORD will be exalted
on that day of judgment."
(Isaiah 2:11 NLT)

But as a Christian or a disciple of Jesus Christ 
what is to be my attitude?

The apostle Paul tells us;

"You must have the same attitude that Christ
Jesus had.
Though he was God,
he did not think of equality with God
as something to cling to.
Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
he took the humble position of a slave
and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form
he humbled himself in obedience to God
and died a criminal's death on a cross.
Therefore, God elevated him to the place of
highest honor
and gave him the name above all other
that at the name of Jesus every knee 
should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under
the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ
is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father." 
(Philippians 2:5 - 11 NLT)

the very creator of the universe, Jesus Christ
1. Voluntarily humbled himself.
2. He suffered for it.
3. And is now be exalted for it.

We are to have the same attitude.

Look how the apostle Peter addresses
the issue;

"So humble yourselves under the mighty power
of God, and at the right time he will lift you up
in honor.  Give all your worries and cares to 
God, for he care about you."   
(1Peter 5:6,7 NLT)

I love that.
If I humble myself,
at the right time God will lift me up in honor
and in the meantime - I am to give him ALL
of my worries and cares.

Friday, March 20, 2020


We live in an age when many "professing"
Christians do not even know what a true
Christian is.  They "profess" but do not

We covered this in an earlier post when I
ask - do you know him, or only about 
him.  That is Jesus Christ.

Bear in mind that the apostle Paul is writing
to the "Christians" here.  Not just God's creatures.
Even a snake is one of God's creatures.

But if we are true believers in Jesus Christ and
have submitted to him making Jesus our Lord,
look at the encouragement below.

First we are citizens of heaven.  This earth is not
our final abode.  We are only passing through.  And
in the passage below Paul in essence is telling us to
live like it.

"Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven,
conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of
the Good News about Christ.  Then, whether
I come and see you again or only hear about
you, I will know that you ae standing together
with one spirit and one purpose, fighting to-
gather for the faith, which is the Good News.
Don't be intimidate in any way by your 
enemies.  This will be a sign to them that they
are going to be destroyed, but that you are go-
ing to be saved, even by God himself.  For you
have been given not only the privilege of trust-
ing in Christ but also the privilege of suffering
for him.  We are in this struggle together.  You
have seen my struggle in the past, and you
know that I am still in the midst of it."  
(Philippians 1:27 - 30 NLT)

Notice that if there is the Spirit of God living
in us we will have to stand up and fight.  After
all, while here on earth we are living behind
the enemies line, i.e. in the Devil's territory.  And
that struggle will often cause us to suffer for Christ.

But notice how the early apostles took their 
suffering for Christ after being imprisoned an
beaten because they stood up for Christ.

"The apostles left the high council rejoicing
that God had counted them worthy to suffer
disgrace for the name of Jesus."   
(Acts 5:41 NLT)

Even the apostle Peter sounds a similar alarm;

"Dear friends, I warn you as "temporary
residents and foreigners" to keep away from
worldly desires that wage war against your
very souls.  Be careful to live properly among
your unbelieving neighbors.  Then even if they
accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your
honorable behavior, and they will give honor
to God when he judges the world."  
(1 Peter 2:11, 12 NLT)

Heaven is to be our final destination, but it
will come with a fight.  But Oh!, the reward that
will be ours then.

Thursday, March 19, 2020


"So humble yourselves under the mighty power
of God, and at the right time he will lift you up
in honor.  Give all your worries and cares to 
God, for he cares about you."
(1Peter 5:6,7 NLT)

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


You may recall from an earlier post that the Apostle
Paul wrote the Philippians Epistle around A.D. 61.
while in prison at Rome.

As you can imagine scholars do not agree on Pauls
age at death.  But it is estimated that he was about
60 to 68 years old when he died.

So we have Paul in prison at Rome as an old man
probably facing his execution when he writes;

"For to me, living means living for Christ,
and dying is even better.  But if I live, I can
do more fruitful work for Christ.  So I
really don't know which is better.  I'm torn
between two desires: I long to go and be
with Christ,  which would  be far better for
me.  But for your sakes, it is better that I
continue to live."  
(Philippians 1:21 - 23 NLT)

Why would he "long to go and be with Christ,
which would be far better for me."?

Real simple.
Paul knows that we do not receive our rewards for
serving Christ until we die and leave this old world.
he also knows that the longer he serves Christ here
on earth, the greater the reward.  You know, the 
more service, the more reward.  

Even Jesus Christ himself said;

"And if you give even a cup of cold water to
one of the least of my followers, you will surely
be rewarded."  
(Matthew 10:42 NLT)

Two other references Paul makes about this thing
of serving Christ.  One from his Epistle to the 
Churches of Galatia and the other from the Epistle
to the Church at Corinth.

"Don't be misled - you cannot mock the 
justice of God.  You will always harvest what
you plant.  Those who live only to satisfy their
own sinful nature will harvest decay and death
from that sinful nature.  But those who live to
please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life
from the Spirit."   
(Galatians 6:7,8 NLT)


"So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong
and immovable.  Always work enthusiastically
for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do
for the Lord is ever useless."  
(1 Corinthians 15:58 NLT). 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


"Bible records and church history reveal to us
that many of God's servants have at times
handed God their resignation."

Erwin W. Lutzer in
Failure The back Door to Success

Monday, March 16, 2020


In my last post I pointed out how the Apostle Paul being in
prison for Christ in Rome actually encouraged others to 
share the message of Christ.

But Paul continues;

"It is true that some are preaching out of jealousy
and rivalry.  But others preach about Christ with
pure motives."  
"Those others do not have pure motives as they 
preach about Christ.  They preach with selfish 
ambition, not sincerely, ..."  
(Philippians 1: 15 & 17 NLT). 

I thank God that I grew up among a group of people
who were hard working, honest, God fearing people -
including their preachers.   But as I lived in this old
world I learned that is not true of everyone, including
preachers.  Like those in Rome that Paul mentioned,
some today "preach with selfish ambition, not sincerely,".

Lets just say it this way.  It could be revealing to get
a look at their bank account even if they might be a
"big name preacher".

Remember, Jesus Christ himself told us in advance;

"For false messiahs and false prophets will rise
up and perform great signs and wonders so as 
to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones.
See, I have warned you about this ahead of time."
(Matthew 24, 25 NLT)

Another thing to consider about any preacher.
My father was one of those honest hardworking,
God fearing preachers.  He would not have done
anything in the world to mislead someone.  As we
say, "He was as honest as the day is long." and
truthful all the way.

But as time went along I have learned that some of 
the things even my father had been taught were 
incorrect.  Consequently, though he was teaching
with all honesty on his part.  He still was preaching
and teaching some errors.

So, what is the answer?
How do we know the truth about life, heaven and 
hell and everything related to us?

I know.  
I have shared this picture before.
But I love it.
That picture has the total essence
of how to get the truth.

Sunday, March 15, 2020



The whole world is in a panic over coronavirus -
what ever that is.  There is a whole lot of hype
over this virus.  Only God himself truly knows
how serious it is.  Whether it is man made or
something else.

Never the less the panic is being used for
political purposes and probably for monetary
gain for those in powerful places.

But what has that got to do with you and me.
It could be a matter of life or death - yes.
So how do I protect myself?

Vitamins may be a help.  Clean hands will help.
Isolation can help.  Medicine may help.  And
even doctors can help.  And in this area people
are going nuts over toilet paper.


As a very, very old man who has outlived
most of my contemporaries, and should have
been dead years ago because my body
quit working properly, I want to share where
my help has come from.

And this is one of the main passages of
Scripture that I cling to and has kept me
going thus far.

"Those who live in the shelter of
the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the
This I declare about the LORD:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
he is my God, and I trust him.
For he will rescue you from every trap
and protect you from deadly disease.
He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor
and protection.
Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night,
nor the arrow that flies in the day.
Do not dread the disease that stalks
in darkness,
nor the disaster that strikes at midday.
Though a thousand fall at your side,
though ten thousand are dying
around you,
these evils will not touch you.
Just open your eyes,
and see how the wicked are punished.
If you make the LORD your refuge
if you make the Most High your shelter
no evil will conquer you;
no plague will come near your home.
For he will order his angels
to protect you wherever you go.
They will hold you up with their hands
so you won't even hurt your foot on
a stone.
You will trample upon lions and cobras,
you will crush fierce lions and serpents 
under your feet!
The LORD says, 'I will rescue those who
love me.
I will protect those who trust in my name.
When they call on me, I will answer;
I will be with them in trouble.
I will rescue and honor them.
I will reward them with long life
and give them my salvation.' "
(Psalms chapter 91 NLT)

Friday, March 13, 2020



Approximately A.D. 57 the Apostle Paul wrote
to the Church in Rome;

"One of the things I always pray for is the 
opportunity, God willing, to come at last to
see you.  For I long to visit you so I can bring
you some spiritual gift that will help you grow
strong in the Lord.  When we get together, I
want to encourage you in your faith, but I also
want to be encouraged by yours."
(Romans 1:10-12 NLT)

And in the same Epistle a few chapters later
Paul said:

"And we know that God causes everything
to work together for the good of those who 
love God and are called according to his
purpose for them."  
(Romans 8:28 NLT)

 Paul soon had the opportunity to both
see the Christians at Rome and prove the
truth of the above verse.

Just not the way he would have planed.

Paul was arrested in Jerusalem by the Jews
and ended up being sent to Rome as a prisoner.

In approximately A.D. 61 Paul, as a prisoner
in Rome wrote;

"And I want you to know, my dear brothers and 
sisters, that everything that has happened to me
here has helped to spread the Good News.  For
every one here, including the whole palace
guard, knows that I am in chains because of
Christ.  And because of my imprisonment, 
most of the believers here have gained confidence
and boldly speak God's message with out fear."
(Philippians 1:12-14 NLT)
approx. A.D. 61

God used Paul's imprisonment to actually
allow him to go to Rome "on a free trip"
[Pun intended.] and to be able to strengthen
the Church there just as he wanted to.

Remember above Paul wrote about every
thing working for good to those who love God.
Well loving God will put you at odds with the
rest of the world.  But look at what Jesus Christ
the very creator of the world said;

"God blesses you when people mock you 
and persecute you and lie about you and say
all sorts of evil things agains you because you 
are my followers.  Be happy about it!  Be very
glad!  For a great reward awaits you in heaven.
And remember, the ancient prophets were
persecuted in the same way.
(Matthew 5:11,12 NLT)

I prefer to have God's reward over being 
recognized by the world or any reward
it may have to offer.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


"I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me.
He freed me from all my fears.
Those who look to him for help will be
radiant with joy;
no shadow of shame will darken their
(Psalms 34:4,5 NLT). 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020



What is that?
The more I consider the word "grace" the fonder of it I 
become.  I realize that it is only by the "grace" of God 
that I am alive today.

One of my favorite books of the Bible is the book of 
Philippians.  The Apostle uses the word grace several
times.  He starts using it in Chp. 1:2; "Grace to you..."
and verse 7, "...you are all partakers of grace with me."
All together he uses the word grace three times in this 
short epistle.

This got me curious, Paul seems to use the word grace 
a lot so I counted the times Paul use the word grace in 
his epistles.  Now I rarely us the King James Version
anymore.  But it was easiest for me to fine out how many
times he used the word grace in that version.  If I counted
correctly, Paul use the word grace in his various epistles
89 times.  WOW!  He must like it too.

But what is grace?
James Strong tells us that the Greek word is "charis"
meaning "... benefit, favor, gift, ..."  Or as Webster 
says it; "1. Favor, kindness, mercy ..."  Do you get 
the picture?

Is it any wonder then the Paul in one of his other
books says;

"God saved you by his grace when you believed.
And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift
from God.  Salvation is not a reward for the 
good things we have done, so none of us can
boast about it.  For we are God's masterpiece.
He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can
do the good things he planned for us long ago."
(Ephesians 2:8-10 NLT)

"Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see."

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


"But I have found that following Christ is not a matter
of whether we enjoy doing something, but rather a
deliberate decision of consistent, constant obedience.
That's where the victory is won where the fruit will follow."
- K.P. Yohannan
Reflecting His Image

Monday, March 9, 2020


Do you know him, or just about him.  

I have a son-in-law who is a brilliant man.  Smart,
educated and a good all around man.  This man is
a history buff or enthusiast.  You can ask him about
almost any past historical figure and he can tell you
all about them.  It is like he knows everything about
any of these people.  BUT, HE DOES NOT KNOW 
THEM.  He knows about them.

My best friend I have known for about thirty years.
We spend quite a bit of time together visiting and
doing things together.  But, I don't know how tall
he is.  He is short'a short.  I don't know how much
he weights.  I do not know when he got married.
I can drive to his house, but I don't know the 
address.  I don't know what his favorite food is.
In fact there are a lot of facts about his life that
I do not know.  BUT I KNOW HIM.

Now more to the point.
There are multitudes of people who profess to 
be "Christians" or followers of Christ.  But do
they KNOW Him?

The scariest Scripture I know of is in what we
call Jesus' so called sermon on the mount.

"Not every who calls out to me, 'Lord !
Lord!' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  Only
those who actually do the will of my Father in
heaven will enter.  On Judgment day many
will say to me, 'Lord! Lord! We prophesied in
your name and cast out demons in your name
and performed many miracles in your name.'
But I will reply, 'I never knew you.  Get away
from me, you who break God's laws.'" 
(Matthew 7:21 - 23 NLT )

Did you see that point?
These people have done all kinds of good things
for God.  Or at least that was their intent.
But Jesus will tell them "I never knew you.
Get away from me,"

Down thought history the men of God;
Enoch, Noah, Abraham, David, were 
all men who walked with God.  Or 
had fellowship with God, or were called
a friend of God, or a man after God's
own heart.  God knew them, they spent
time together.

Jesus said;
"And this is the way to have eternal life -
to KNOW you, the only true God, and
Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth."
(John 17:3 NLT)

Do you know God and his son Jesus Christ,
or only about them?

If we expect to keep our selves out of the 
Devil's hell we had better begin living with
Jesus Christ and Father God daily.  Get to 
know them more intimately than our family,

Friday, March 6, 2020


My problem was with a motorcycle.  No, not the one above.
That one is a Honda made into a "cafe racer".  The one I got
into trouble with was an old Kawasaki from the same era as
the Honda above.

I had bought the Kawasaki in a non running condition from
a friend.  It was a shaft drive [Not chain like the one above.]
I wanted to make  it into a cross country motorcycle that I 
would not have to spend all my time lubing the chain.

My trouble began with my pride.  Where my friend had not 
been able to get it started, I wanted to be able to tell him I got
 it started with no trouble.  The Scriptures tell us, "Pride goes 
before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall."  
and I was about to fall.

My mistake was trying to cheat using too much starting 
fluid.  It back fired catching number one carb. on fire.
[That would be the carb. the closest in the photo above.]
So there I was with the carb. on fire and flames going 
up around the gas tank that was half full of gas.

I could not see my fire extinguisher so I tried blowing 
it out.  I have used that trick in the past, but this time
it only singed my eye brows.  Then I took an old rag
and started trying to beat out the flames while looking
for my fire extinguisher.

I finally spotted my fire extinguisher.   I pulled the pin
and squeezed the trigger.  NOTHING.  It had been in 
the shop too long and lost it's charge.

Back to trying to beat the fire out, but it was not working.
By this time I was ready to push the motorcycle out 
the door and let it burn up.

The problem there was my car was just outside the door
and if I pushed it further it would go down the hill 
next to the house.   By now I was getting really, really
 tired trying to beat the fire away from the tank.

In desperation I simply cried out,
"Jesus help me." 

The fire went out in an instant.