Thursday, October 8, 2009


A truth you know too. That is, deep down. We just
prefer to ignore it.

Over the years the privilege has been mine to be
associated with at least three "home Bible studies".
I love them. These were with different Churches.
Usually they were mostly the Church
folks. You get to know each other better. You
share together. Help each other. Pray together, and
for each other. And on and on.

The first one was an over coffee and donuts type.
Bible spread out on the table in front of us and a cup
of coffee in hand. And we studied(?)

The second one was a Saturday night "pot luck".
The ladies decided each time what the meal theme was
going to be the next time. So we ate. We sang.
We prayed. We read. We shared, we studied(?)
And it was exciting.

The third one was similar to the second. But forget
all the meal planning. Just bring something. Believe
it or not, the Lord let it work out great without all
the meal planning. Friday nights we met together
and unwound from the week. Something to look
forward to each week and encourage each other
in the Lord. We fellowshiped, eat, prayed and studied(?)

Just a side note. The last one was "sparkpluged"
by a wannabe preacher. That was O.K. for years.
Then he tried to "institutionalise" it into a teaching/
preaching opportunity. - THAT KILLED IT.

The truth I learned over the years is that
most of the people, at a Bible study, do not want
to study the Bible. That would be work and
require thinking. THEY WANT TO PRETEND TO
STUDY THE BIBLE. It's a lot easier that way.

1 comment:

Rose said...

I think I went to those studies too!