Monday, January 22, 2018


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Is your load to heavy?

I have been noticing something on Facebook lately.
It is almost impossible to believe that so many people
are hurting in life.  Relationships are broken.  Health
is broken.  Dreams are frustrated.  Wrongs have been
done, etc, etc, etc.

Or on the news, accidents, overdoses on drugs and 
suicides.  Any way you look at it life is too much in
many cases for people to handle.  Even all the self-
help schemes about how to "tough it out" or take control
of yourself etc., fail.  They at the best are only band aids 
over a cancer.

But there is good news.
There is someone who wants to help you out.
God almighty himself wants to help you.
Even best he wants to actually come right into
you and become the strength of your life.

A person needs to realize that Jesus Christ is
the one who gives them life to start with.  But
we have ignored him and gone our own way.

So he came to earth as a man and became a 
sacrifice for us.  He died in our place, if we
will accept it.   Then all we have to do is cry
out to him to forgive us and honestly ask Jesus
Christ to come into our messed up life and 
take over.

If we will submit to him and allow him to
he will actually come into us as a person 
and bring the very strength of God into our

Nothing is too much for Jesus Christ to handle.
Invite him in to take your load off you.

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