Friday, February 16, 2018


If I were as young as you, my prospective would be 
entirely different.  But, mine is different for this reason.
I had lived out a full life span, then got sick and should
have died.  That would only have been the normal routine.

BUT GOD.  When he enters the picture, everything changes.
But God in his mercy choose to restore a measure of health
to me.  So a number of years latter I am still "plugging" along.
Now when you are living on "borrowed" time things look a 
lot different.  And nearly everything is now viewed from a 
different prospective.  The prospective that everything I do,
think, or use is something that I use for my "eternal reward" 
and will have to give an account of, or it will be squandered.

This causes me to be overwhelmed by the squandering of 
time and resources I see by people who should know better.
Present time and resources that could be used for their own
eternal benefit, but instead squandered for the fun or pleasure
of the moment.  The reality is, that makes their time and 
resources - useless, utterly useless - when it could have been
better for them used other ways.

A little different thought.  But over a full life time of seeing
many people receiving "inheritances" I have notice that 
nearly all of them get squandered.  Dad and mom should have
used the inheritance on themselves because the kids are just
going to throw them away anyway.

God gives everyone of us; life, time and some resources,
no matter how meager.  Am I using them for God's purposes
and my eternal benefit or for the moment?

If I am using them only for the present time I am turning 
them into something that will be "useless, utterly useless.

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