It started of by my making the mistake of trying
to think. You know, thinking is hard work and it
hurts to think. That is why so few of us bother to
But while thinking the thought went through my
mind how I am not compassionate like God is. I
want to be a help and kind to people etc. But also
I tend to not want to be bothered. [You are not that
way, I'll admit.]
Then when thinking of my lack of compassion, I
could just see some poor homeless person or a
begger in their need. You know, a cast off from
society or a parasite just getting in the way.
But, which is the most valuable or important?
A poor homeless person or perhaps a bagger?
Images courtesy of:
Or an invalid totally incapable of taking care of
him or her self.
Or perhaps a highly decorated person in an important
Or, maybe even a successful business person
or investor?
Well, none.
We as people only see the outside of a person and that is
what helps us form our opinions.
But God looks at it differently. Consider when God was
speaking to Samuel he said;
"Do not look at his appearance or his stature,
because I have rejected him. Man does not
see what the Lord sees, for man sees what is
visible, but the Lord sees the heart."
(1Samuel 16:7 CSB)
The truth of the matter is that in God's sight
that poor cast off person is just as valuable as
some one who is rich or perhaps famous.
Even the disciples of Jesus Christ fell into the
trap we do. They began to argue among themselves
as to which one was the greatest.
He attempted to correct their thinking by pointing
out that the most important person in the Kingdom
of God was the one who was the youngest, like a
child, or the humble person, a servant. And that
he himself [Jesus Christ] came as a servant to us.
"But God proves His own love for us in that
while we were still sinners Christ died for us!
(Romans 5:8 CSB)
Yes, we nothings are just as important to God
as a rich person or a celebrity. Just as important
to God as a president or a king.
It is your heart that God treasures. Not your
body, money or prestige. Give him your whole
heart, strength and mind. Then in truth you will
be away ahead of the rest of the world, even if
you are a nothing to everybody else.
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