Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Image courtesy of: www.Pixabay.com

"Depend on it.  God's work done
in God's way will never lack God's
supply.  He is too wise a God to
frustrate His purposes for lack of
funds, and He can just as easily
supply them ahead of time as after-
wards, and He much prefers doing
so." - James Hudson Taylor.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Jesus Christ said;
"God blesses you when people mock you
and persecute you and lie about you and say
all sorts of evil things against you because you
are my followers.  Be happy about it!  Be very
glad!  For a great reward awaits you in heaven.
And remember, the ancient prophets were per-
secuted in the same way."
(Matthew 5:11,12 NLT)

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


  Image courtesy of: www.Pixabay.com

So you are really generous are you?
I wish I were.

Why, you probably donate some out of every pay 
check you get.  I do.  But I am not truly generous.

Have you ever thought about how God looks at our
giving?  One time Jesus Christ was in the temple 
with his disciples watching the rich people put in 
their large donations.  Then a poor widow came and
put in two small copper coins.  He told his disciples;
"...this poor widow put in more than all of them; for
they all out of their surplus put into the offering; but
she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live
on." (Luke 21:4 NASB)

This reminds me of an incident in the founding of 
the "Yoido Full Gospel "Church" in South Korea.
As far as I know it is still considered the largest
Church in the world.  It has a membership that is
close to 800,000 members now.

The founder of the Church, David Yonggi Cho in
his book "The Fourth Dimension" [Get a copy, it
is an inspiring book.] tells us how when they went
into their first big building program they were going
broke and the whole thing was about to go into 

I suppose it was in a meeting of the Church and
the problem being addressed when a poor old 
Korean woman who only owned the cloths on
her back and; a plate to eat off of with a few
eating utensils offered to sell them for money
to help the Church.  They of course refused 
because she would not even have a way to eat.

The old lady insisted.  She told them that Jesus
Christ had died for her and the least she could
do was offer her plate and utensils.  She would
just eat off of a piece of paper with her hands.

A business man was present who's heart was
touched by this offer.  If I remember correctly
he offered something like $2,500.00 for the plate.
And this became the turning point with people
taking to heart the need and began to give.

A poor old Korean woman because of her 
love for God who died for her was willing 
to eat off of piece paper so God's work could
go on.  It resulted in the largest Church in the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Image courtesy of: www.Pixabay.com.  

"Joy is not gush: joy is not jolliness.  Joy is simply
perfect acquiescence in God's will; because the soul
delights itself in God Himself...rejoice in the will
of God, and in nothing else.  Bow down your heads
and your hearts before God, and let the will, the
blessed will of God be done."
- Amy Carmichael

Thursday, July 18, 2019


"Teach those who are rich in this world not
to be proud and not to trust in their money,
which is so unreliable.  Their trust should be
in God, who richly gives us all we need for our
enjoyment.  Tell them to use their money to do
good.  They should be rich in good works and 
generous to those in need, always being ready
to share with others.  By doing this they will
be storing up their treasure as a good foundation 
for the future so that they may experience true
(1 Timothy 6:17-19 NLT)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Most of you will not recognize this part.  In fact,
I do not even remember where I found it.  But it
obviously has spent many years out in the weather.

This is one of the magnets out of a Motel T Ford.
There were a number of these bolted to the flywheel
of the engine and used to generate the electricity
needed to run the engine.

These old Motel T Fords went under a number
of names; Tin Lizzie, Leaping Lena, Jitney and
Flivver to name a few.

They were produced between Oct. 10, 1908 and
May 26, 1927.

What is my point?
The one pictured above is now hanging in my
shop.  Believe it or not, it STILL is a fairly
strong magnet after 92 years or more.

May God help me to go strong for him like
that down into old age and to the end.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Image courtesy of: www.Pixabay.com.    

"If anyone would tell you the shortest,
surest way to all happiness and all perfection,
he must tell you to make it a rule to yourself
to thank and praise God for everything that
happens to you."

- William Law

Thursday, July 11, 2019


Image courtesy of: www.Pixabay.com.  

"Listen to me, dear brothers and sisters.
Hasn't God chosen the poor in this world
to be rich in faith?  Aren't they the ones who
will inherit the Kingdom he promised to those
who love him?    
(James 2:5 NLT)

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Images courtesy of:www.Pixabay.com  


  • Hummingbirds cannot walk or hop, though their feet can be used to scoot sideways while they are perched. These birds have evolved smaller feet to be lighter for more efficient flying. They will use their feet for itching and preening however!”

Did you read that?  The smarty who wrote that said their 
small feet “evolved” for efficiency.

YOU should have seen them before they “evolved” the
smaller feet.  Their feet were so heavy they could 
barely fly.  About all they could do was flap their wings.

So they had a meeting and it was mutually agreed that
they should start developing smaller feet to fly better
and faster.

They picked up on the idea from the Chinese to bind
their feet so they would not be so big.  It worked, although
it took two hundred and twenty one zillion years before they
were able to drop the foot binding procedure.

Why don’t you start your own evolutionary process.
It’s fun and it’s free.  No government taxes on it - YET.

One other thing.  We cannot expect it to happen by it’s
self because of some force or power.  That would be too
much like admitting that God, or some superior force
exists.  So it it up to you to get the process started.

Remember, they want us to think that EVERYTHING 
came from absolutely  NOTHING.  So you are away
ahead of the so called “evolutionary process”.  You 
at least have and idea to start your evolutionary process


Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Image courtesy of: www.Pixabay.com.    

"Grace means the free, unmerited, unexpected love
of God, and all the benefits, delights, and comforts
which flow from it.  It means that while we were
sinners and enemies we have been treated as sons
and heirs."    
- R.P.C. Hanson

Friday, July 5, 2019


"All of us used to live that way, following
the passionate desires and inclinations of
our sinful nature.  By our very nature we
were subject to God's anger, just like every-

one else.  But God is so rich in mercy, and
loved us so much, that even thought we
were dead because of our sins, he gave us
life when he raised Christ from the dead.
(It is only by God's grace that have been saved!)
For he raised us from the dead along with
Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly
realms because we are united with Christ
(Ephesians 2:3 - 6 NLT)

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Burn out caused by high resistance.
We could do the same that is why we 
need to get away from all the noise and
confusion of the world some times.

Even Jesus, the very Son of God, while living
here on earth as a man needed to "Get away
from it all." some times.  Look at Jesus example.

"But Jesus Himself would often slip
away to the wilderness and pray."
(Like 5:16 NASB)

And to his disciples he instructed;

"And He said to them,
'Come away by yourselves to a secluded
play and rest awhile.  (For there were many
people coming and going, and they did not

even have time to eat.)  They went away in
the boat to a secluded place by themselves."
(Mark 6:31,32  NASB)

I don't know about you.  But if I don't spend
some time alone with God every day, my day
gets messed up real bad.

You will not find the time.  You will have
to make the time.  But it is well worth
the effort.  TRY IT.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Image courtesy of: www.Pixabay.com    

"The guidance of the Spirit is generally by gentle
suggestions or drawings, and not in violent pushes;
and it requires great childlikeness of heart to be
faithful to it.  The secret of being made willing lies
in a definite giving up of our will.  As soon as we put 
our will on to God's side, He immediately takes 
possession of it and begins to work in us to will and
to do of His good pleasure."  
-Hannah Whitall Smith