Wednesday, July 10, 2019


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  • Hummingbirds cannot walk or hop, though their feet can be used to scoot sideways while they are perched. These birds have evolved smaller feet to be lighter for more efficient flying. They will use their feet for itching and preening however!”

Did you read that?  The smarty who wrote that said their 
small feet “evolved” for efficiency.

YOU should have seen them before they “evolved” the
smaller feet.  Their feet were so heavy they could 
barely fly.  About all they could do was flap their wings.

So they had a meeting and it was mutually agreed that
they should start developing smaller feet to fly better
and faster.

They picked up on the idea from the Chinese to bind
their feet so they would not be so big.  It worked, although
it took two hundred and twenty one zillion years before they
were able to drop the foot binding procedure.

Why don’t you start your own evolutionary process.
It’s fun and it’s free.  No government taxes on it - YET.

One other thing.  We cannot expect it to happen by it’s
self because of some force or power.  That would be too
much like admitting that God, or some superior force
exists.  So it it up to you to get the process started.

Remember, they want us to think that EVERYTHING 
came from absolutely  NOTHING.  So you are away
ahead of the so called “evolutionary process”.  You 
at least have and idea to start your evolutionary process


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