Today I actually did a task I hate to do. I went into town
to pick up some needed things, On the way home I was
arriving at the entrance to one of the local cemeteries when
a funeral procession came and I had to pull over and stop.
In this area it is common to see one motorcycle cop leading
a funeral procession with his lights flashing. But not this
funeral procession. I think it was about four motorcycle
cops with their lights flashing followed by at least two
police cars with their lights flashing. Then of course a long
procession of cars with their lights flashing followed up by
no less that six more police cars with their lights flashing.
I could not help but look down into the cemetery when I
was allowed to proceed. In the cemetery just inside of the
entrance was an honor guard of men on both sides of the
road in black suits and white military type hats, standing
at attention, saluting with one hand and holding a rifle
with the other hand.
That sure was not anybody I know. But I had to stop and
think. That person's body is going into the grave just like
all of us will. However, their soul, the real person, is either
in God's heaven, or the Devil's hell now.. Perhaps when
finally I am put in a hole and covered with dirt - I might
even be way better off than who ever that WAS because,
I am in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ himself.
God tells us about a certain rich man who died;
"... the rich man also died, and was buried:
And in hell he lift up his eyes, being
in torments,"
(Luke 16:22,23 KJV)
That particular man Jesus Christ was telling us
about did not gain a thing by being rich or well
liked or famous. He still ended up in hell. What
was his gain then?
God also said,
"And just as each person is destined to die
once and after that comes judgment,"
(Hebrews 9:27 NLT)
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