Wednesday, April 15, 2020


The last time I posted from the book of Philippians
we looked at those who claim to be Christians, but
their hearts and minds are set only on the things of
this world.  In short, their body has full control and
the apostle Paul tells us they are headed for destruction.

But the very next verses encourages us who have
our hearts and minds set on the things of God and
try our best to live for him.

"But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord
Jesus Christ lives.  And we are eagerly waiting
for him to return as our Savior.  He will take
our weak mortal bodies and change them into
glorious bodies like his own, using the same 
power with which he will bring everything
under his control."  
(Philippians 3:20, 21 NLT)

First, living in a world that is so uncertain and evil
I am encouraged that in truth this world is not my
final home.  I am a citizen of Heaven.  And when it
is all over I'll be with Jesus Christ for ever.

I can consider my self just as those saints of old

"They agreed that they were foreigners
and nomads here on earth."
(Hebrews 11:13 NLT)
That's me brother.

Second, I can be looking forward to the return
of Jesus Christ to take over this old world;

"Look He comes with the clouds of heaven.
And everyone will see him -
even those who pierced him.
And all the nations of the world
will mourn for him.
Yes! Amen!"
(Revelation 1:7,8 NLT)

That thrills me.  We can look forward to that
great day with joy when the rest of the world
will be terrorized beyond description.

Thirdly, God is going to take this old weak
worn out body of mine and and change it to
be like the resurrected body of Christ.

You are just a kid yet so that might no mean
much to you.  But by the time you get as old
as my wife and I, that can mean everything
to you.

True I do not understand what that body will
be like.  But one time when some of those smart
religious leaders were arguing with Christ about
the resurrection he made this comment about
what our bodies will be like;

"And they will never die again.  In this respect 
they will be like angels.  They are children of 
God and children of the resurrection."  
(Luke 20:36 NLT)

PRAISE GOD.  I have something to be excited
about.  I have a new body coming.

The extra image.  Well, I just could not pass this one up.

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