I worked as an automotive tech. for over twenty
five years. In that time there was one thing I learned.
There is an "unwritten law" in the automotive industry
that consists of only two words, "Change it."
It does not matter if it works well, change it.
But it is easy to repair, then change it.
Hey! it is a great looking vehicle, then change it.
I think it is seven computers I have scattered
around the place. I have learned to hate "updates".
My experience with "updates" is that generally
they only make it harder to work with.
If I take a computer to the shop for some repair
or other. They usually make all the latest "updates"
and then I am worse off than before.
Even in the so called "scientific" world. You have
noticed that over the years the facts change as new
data becomes available.
How about the thousands of laws that are on the
books. You almost learn to live without getting
into trouble with some law or other when; you
guessed it, a new law changes everything for you.
With all the changes that are taking place in this old
world, it certainly is not the world I grew up in.
If I were as young as you, it might be different but
at this age I want to yell out, "Stop the merry-go-round."
I want a "constant" in life. Something that does not
change. Something I can hang on to.
Truly there is one constant that holds me together.
My old body changes. The family changes. My
friends change. My opinion changes. But,
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today,
and forever."
(Hebrews 13:8 NLT)
Jesus Christ still loves me despite my many failures.
He died in my place for me and now lives to help me
through this life. I may not appreciate some of the
paths he leads me through - but it is for my own good.
Jesus not only will bring me through this old changing
world, but will then allow me to live with him forever.