Most of us want to live as long as possible.
We want a long healthy life. Then when we
get toward old age we want health enough to
spend our time "playing" in our second
childhood. "Playing"? Yes, you know. Hitting
a little white ball out in the grass, then chase
it down and hit it again. Or, perhaps driving
around looking at things or sitting on the couch
being entertained and eating too much.
Personally, a lot of that does not appeal to me.
In my old age I still want to do things. Accomplish
something worth while.
But how?
God [Who gives us life it's self]
said it this way;
"But the godly will flourish like palm trees
and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.
For they are transplanted to the LORD's
own house. They flourish in the courts of
our God.
Even in old age they will still produce fruit;
they will remain vital and green."
(Psalms 92:12 -14 NLT)
Did you catch the key?
"... the GODLY..."
Webster defines "godly" this way;
"1. of or from God; divine
2. devoted to God; pious; devout; religious "
The ring of people that I have associated with
over a long life time have been mostly "godly"
people. And most of them have lived long
productive lives.
It is true, I have known a few "godly" people
who have suffered in their bodies during this
life time. But then, what would their life have
been like if they had not the blessing of God
on them.
Then there are those who have not lived a "godly"
life and had there lives destroyed by selfish living
through alcohol, drugs, tobacco etc.
The need, no matter what out stage of life is now,
is to turn to God with all our hearts and lives so
we can have his blessing on what ever is left of
our lives.
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