I know and you know that we are all going to die
someday. God himself made it that way. He said:
"And just as each person is destined to die
once and after that comes judgment,"
(Hebrews 9:27 NLT)
But did you know that both you and I are going to
rise from the dead someday. Yes, both good people
and bad people. Through the prophet Daniel and
even Jesus himself we learn;
"Many of those whose bodies lie dead
and buried will rise up, some to ever-
lasting life and some to shame and
everlasting disgrace."
(Daniel 12:2 NLT).
"Don't be so surprised! Indeed, the
time is coing when all the dead in their
graves will hear the voice of God's Son,
and they will rise again. Those who
have done good will rise to experience
eternal life, and those who have continued
in evil will rise to experience judgment."
(John 5:28,29 NLT).
But the one that caught my attention was
what God reviled to the prophet Isaiah about
God's people. This does not apply to every
one, but only those who are in a relationship
with God himself.
"But those who die in the Lord will live;
their bodies will rise again!
Those who sleep in the earth
will rise up and sing for joy!
(Isaiah 26:19 NLT).
Did you catch that?
Those of us who are in a relationship with
God will die, yes. But we will be raised up
out of our graves someday singing with joy.
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