A man came to Jesus complaining because he
did not get the part of an inheritance he wanted.
This first comment is not the essence of the post.
But over many, many years I have noticed something.
Nearly every inheritance I have seen people receive
We want to do good for our children and pass something
on along to them. But I am beginning to think that
passing on material things to them - only hurts them.
But this situation is what cause Jesus to say;
"Then he said, 'Beware! Guard against
every kind of greed. Life is not measured
by how much you own.'"
(Luke 12:15 NLT)
Then Jesus told the people a story about a rich
man with a very prosperous farm. The crops
were excellent and he decided to store up enough
to retire.
"But God said to him, 'You fool! You
will die this very night. Then who will
get everything you worked for?
"Yes, a person is a fool to store up
earthy wealth but not have a rich
relationship with God."
(Luke 12:20,21 NLT)
This is the only precedent in the Scriptures
I am aware of for retiring [Other than one
exception - if you are a Levitical priest.] and
even in this one God calls the retiree a fool.
What made him a fool. Concentrating on
material acquisition rather than a relation
ship with God.
In truth, the poor widow that Jesus tells us
about in chapter twenty one of Luke is better
off than this rich man. She only had about two
cents, but she gave all she had to God. And
Jesus tells us that she gave more than all the
rich people who were putting into the offering
out of their surplus.
Yes, prepare for retirement if that is your
desire. But. if you don't put God first in
your planning you will end up being a fool.
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