Tuesday, August 31, 2021



Thursday, August 26, 2021



"Sin is no longer your master,
for you no longer live under
the requirements of the law.
Instead, you live under the 
freedom of God's grace." 
(Romans 6:14 NLT)

Wednesday, August 25, 2021



Over the years I have not been keeping up 
with the foley of evolution.  But a few days
ago some information was offered that made
a lot of sense to me.  Also, it helped me fit
dinosaurs into God's creation plan better,
at least in my own thinking.

In the evolutionary plan - as I understand it -
there is a gradual development of a species
from one stage to the next until it looks like
you or me, or something.

Of course we all know that there would need
to be hundreds of missing links as things
develop from one stage to the next.  We
also know that these missing links are still
missing.  But that is just another minor detail.

But, as there is a development from one stage
to the other - there was a former stage or an
ancestor, well, many ancestors in the line of

But the interesting fact to me is that;
dinosaurs have no ancestors.

All the fossil records show the dinosaurs
as fully developed from the start.

Now what do you think started the dinosaurs
off as fully developed with out ancestors
showing development from a molecule
to muck to something with life in it to 
something else, etc. etc. etc.

That is a question we can ask God Almighty
who created the whole thing when we stand
before him after death.

If evolution were true, dinosaurs

would have ancestors - 




Tuesday, August 24, 2021



“Proof of the existence of God is

wasted on those who are perverse

enough to deny God.”

- James M. Gillis -

Sunday, August 22, 2021



Those of you who have been in the Navy in years
past have heard this many times.  I do not know if
it is still used, but about 65 years ago no matter 
where you were at on the Navy base you would 
hear the static of the PA system turn on and then;
"Now hear this.  Now hear this."

What did that mean?
Simple, here is something you need to hear.

Our natural condition it to want to talk, not
listen.  You know yourself that when the other
person is talking you are thinking about what
you want to say next, or, wishing they would
shut up so you could go about what you are
wanting to do.  It is not to listen.
[I use "hear" and "listen" interchangeably as
various Bible versions do. ]

God said;

"Understand this, my dear brothers
and sisters: You must all be quick
to listen, slow to speak, and slow to
get angry."
(James 1:19 NLT)

Out of curiosity I checked the King James version's
use of "hear".  The word hear is in there approximately
524 times.

But talking; talk, talke, talkers, talkest, talketh, and 
talking all these together was only about 44 times.

God himself in many ways  is saying;
"Now hear this.", or
shut and listen.

"Listen to me, and you will eat what is good.
You will enjoy the finest food."
(Isaiah 55:3 NLT)

"Perhaps they will listen and turn from
their evil ways.  Then I will change my
mind about the disaster I am ready to
pour out on them because of their sins."
(Jeremiah 26:3 NLT)

"Anyone with ears to hear
must listen to the Spirit and
understand what he is saying
to the churches."
(Revelation 3:22 NLT)


Thursday, August 19, 2021



"I have told you this so that you may
have peace in me.  Here on earth you
will have many trials and sorrows.  But
take heart, because I have overcome 
the world."
(John 16:33 NLT)

Wednesday, August 18, 2021



We all have different things that trigger us.
In this case I just looked in YouTube for 
some information I needed.  After about four
videos and a ton of talking by everyone I finally
found what I needed.  It took about 30 seconds
to show me what I was looking for.

Believe it or not, I actually have some friends.
I think of one in particular.  He is a good guy.
He is a asset to the community and well liked
by all as far as I know.   However [Just my opinion]
when I get within hearing distance he turns his 
mouth on.  And it goes on and on and on and on
until I get out of hearing distance.

Does God have anything to say about talking.

"Too much talk leads to sin.
Be sensible and keep your
mouth shut."
(Proverbs 10:19 NLT)

One time I purposely read the Bible from
cover to cover as they say keeping track
of every thing God told us about talking.
If I remember correctly there are 23 
times "talking" as a subject is brought up.
The inference on every one is "let your
words be few."

I will shut up with one more portion of 

"And I tell you this, you must give
an account on Judgment day for
every idle word you speak.  The
words you say will either acquit
you or condemn you."
(Matthew 12:36,37 NLT)

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Sunday, August 15, 2021



In some circles that is all I hear is, "rapture".
But what is "rapture".   My dictionary gives
this definition;
"3. a carrying away or being carried away
in body or spirit:"

Is "rapture" a Biblical fact or teaching.  Yes, a
 thousand yeses.  And I am looking forward to
it - if I am still alive.  However the word "rapture"
is not in most versions of the Bible.

The problem is that most people using the word
"rapture" are using it as the next main event in 
history and even worse they have relocated it to
a time that is more pleasing to them than where
the Scriptures put it.

I'll try to be simple and use only one Scripture
portion.  You will see that the "rapture" is only
one detail in the main event.  And that event will
be the most outstanding event in the history of the

"We tell you this directly from
the Lord:  We who are still living
when the Lord returns will not meet
him ahead of those who have died.
For the Lord himself will come
down from heaven with a com-
manding shout, with the voice of 
the archangel, and with the trumpet
call of God.  First, the believers
who have died will rise from their
graves.  Then, together with them,
we who are still alive and remain on
the earth will be caught up in the
clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
Then we will be with the Lord for-
ever.  So encourage each other
with these words."  
(1 Thessalonians 4:15 - 18 NLT)

And added thought.  You want a time 
line on history and how this fits in?
Jesus is the one coming and Jesus knows
a whole lot more about his coming than
Dr. Know-it-all, Dr. Blowhard or Dr. Drydust 
does.  So get your Bible out and read 
Matthew chapter 24.
You will see where Jesus himself puts
these things.  You may not like it.  But
Jesus does the arranging, not us.


Thursday, August 12, 2021


"And this is the way to have eternal
life - to know you, the only true God,
and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to 
(John 17:3 NLT)


Wednesday, August 11, 2021



Moses earned his doctorate in Egypt.

“Moses was taught all the

wisdom of the Egyptians,

and he was powerful in 

both speech and action.”

(Acts 7:22 NLT)

Moses became usable to God

forty years later humbled in the 

desert with Egypt out of him and 

“the voice of the LORD called 

out to him,”

(Acts 7:30 - 32 NLT) 

Or, consider;

"The members of the council

were amazed when they saw the

boldness of Peter and John, for they

could see that they were ordinary

men with no special training in the 

Scriptures.  They also recognized

them as men who had been with


(Acts 4:13 NLT)

Let me be like Peter and John,

having been with 


Tuesday, August 10, 2021



Someone once said;

“If you have missed knowing me.

You have missed nothing.

If you have missed knowing our


You have missed something.

If you have missed knowing Jesus.

You have missed everything.”

Sunday, August 8, 2021


“Commit your actions to the LORD,

and your plans will succeed.”

(Proverbs 16:3 NLT)

I have probably been on this subject

before.  But after a busy week with

lots of problems and work.  I insist

more than ever that if we will commit

our plans, work, actions to the Lord

he will help us work things out.

I have lived long enough to know from

experience about how long the things 

I undertake will take to do.  But praise

God, he has been helping me to get

done ahead of schedule.

You can continue to do things by your

self with out God's help if you want.

But as for this old man, I'll take all of 

God's help I can get.

It makes life a lot easier.


Thursday, August 5, 2021


Jesus said;
"The thief's purpose is to steal and 
kill and destroy.  My purpose is to
give them a rich and satisfying life."
(John 10:10 NLT)


Wednesday, August 4, 2021



"Master," Simon replied, "we worked
hard all last night and didn't catch a 
thing.  But if you say so, I'll let the nets
down again.  And this time their nets
were so full of fish they began to tear!"
(Luke 5:5,6 NLT)

Boy does that ever speak to me.
I am not a fisherman nor do I work at night.
But how many a time I have wasted all my
time with out accomplishing anything,
or every thing seems to go wrong.

I have learned the hard way that if I will
get Jesus involved in my problem, job,
project or whatever before I even start it,
there is a lot less chance of my begging him
for help in the middle of it.

God's word tells us to ask him for wisdom.
And in this day and age wisdom is one thing
I need.  But, if wisdom is the only thing I have
regarding the problem I still can be in trouble.

I need God's blessing and help along with the
wisdom for the task.

Getting Jesus involved has saved many a 
day for me.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021


“You have made us for Yourself,

O Lord, and our hearts are restless

until they find rest in You.”

- St. Augustin


Sunday, August 1, 2021


Do you want Jesus Christ to shine brighter in your life?
The answer is in what we call "The Transfiguration."
I happen to be looking in Matthew chapter 17 in the NLT

"... Jesus took Peter and the two brother, 
James and John, and led them up a high
mountain to be alone." (v.1)

Step 1: Get alone with Jesus.

You will remember that Jesus was Transformed
right before their very eyes and begin talking to
Moses and Elijah.

Wow! Talking with the very man that God used
to start the Jewish religion.  And also the man 
that God used to draw Israel back to God.

So, Peter wanted to do something.

"But even as he spoke, a bright cloud 
overshadowed them, and a voice from
 the cloud said, 'This is my dearly loved
Son, who brings me great joy, Listen to 
him.'"  (v.5)

God the Father spoke.  He did to want the 
disciples to do something or even listen to
Mose or Elijah.  He wanted them to listen
to Jesus.

"And when they looked up, Moses and
Elijah wee gone, and they saw only
Jesus." (v.8)

Not; Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley,
James Armenous, St. Augustine, Francis of Assisi,
John Knox or some "Theorylogian."