Sunday, August 22, 2021



Those of you who have been in the Navy in years
past have heard this many times.  I do not know if
it is still used, but about 65 years ago no matter 
where you were at on the Navy base you would 
hear the static of the PA system turn on and then;
"Now hear this.  Now hear this."

What did that mean?
Simple, here is something you need to hear.

Our natural condition it to want to talk, not
listen.  You know yourself that when the other
person is talking you are thinking about what
you want to say next, or, wishing they would
shut up so you could go about what you are
wanting to do.  It is not to listen.
[I use "hear" and "listen" interchangeably as
various Bible versions do. ]

God said;

"Understand this, my dear brothers
and sisters: You must all be quick
to listen, slow to speak, and slow to
get angry."
(James 1:19 NLT)

Out of curiosity I checked the King James version's
use of "hear".  The word hear is in there approximately
524 times.

But talking; talk, talke, talkers, talkest, talketh, and 
talking all these together was only about 44 times.

God himself in many ways  is saying;
"Now hear this.", or
shut and listen.

"Listen to me, and you will eat what is good.
You will enjoy the finest food."
(Isaiah 55:3 NLT)

"Perhaps they will listen and turn from
their evil ways.  Then I will change my
mind about the disaster I am ready to
pour out on them because of their sins."
(Jeremiah 26:3 NLT)

"Anyone with ears to hear
must listen to the Spirit and
understand what he is saying
to the churches."
(Revelation 3:22 NLT)


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