Sunday, January 30, 2022



The longer I live.  The older I get.  The more
I see of this old world disintegrating around
me the more I look forward to a day that is
coming soon.

"Look! He comes with the clouds of heaven.
And everyone will see him - even those who
pierced him.  And all the nations of the world
will mourn for him.
Yes! Amen!."
(Revelation 1:7 NLT)

Even those who killed him over two
thousand years ago will see Jesus
vindicated.  All the nations that have
ignored Jesus in favor of other gods
and material things will learn their
terrible fate and mourn over it.

"Therefor, God elevated him to the place of
highest honor and gave him the name above
all other names, that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow, in heaven and on 
earth and under the earth, and every tongue
declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory
of God the Father."
(Philippians 2:9 - 11 NLT)

O! what a sight that will be to see all those
who have given their lives to other religions
on their knees along with the very Devil him
self and his demons acknowledging that 

That coming day is becoming the fact
that I long for.  My favorite truth.

Thursday, January 27, 2022



“Make thankfulness your

sacrifice to God,

and keep the vows you made

to the Most High. 

Then call on me when you are

in trouble,

and I will rescue you,

and you will give me glory.”

(Psalms 50:

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


"I tell you the truth, anyone who
believes in me will do the same
works I have done, and even greater
works, because I am going to be
with the Father.  You can ask for 
anything in my name, and I will do
it, so that the Son can bring glory to
the Father.  Yes, ask me for any-
thing in my name, and I will do it."
(John 14:12 - 14 NLT)

I believe Jesus.  He only tells the truth.
Yet, I personally have never met anyone
who has done the works that Jesus did,
or greater.

Over the years I have read of great works
being done by Christians in different places.
But of the hundreds of Christians I have met,
none have done the works that Jesus did.

Yet Jesus said, "anyone who believes in me".
Do we not really believe?  Do we fail to ask?
Where is the problem?

I do not profess to have the answer.  But in
my wide reading over the years I have noticed
it pointed out that often the places God was
doing miracles was where the people were 
just simple uneducated people.

Jesus on a number of occasions indicated that
unless we become like little children we would
not even enter the kingdom of God.  One of the
features of a child is their simple trust, at least
until they have had that trust broken a number
of times.

Is it possible that we are not truly trusting God,
that we are not taking him at his word to us?


Tuesday, January 25, 2022


Accepting death to my ego 

is the only way to manifest 

the life of Christ.  Putting my

‘self’ to death is the only way

to exchange my life for His.”

- Y.P. Yohannan -


Sunday, January 23, 2022


“It is a terrible thing to fall into 

the hands of the living God.”

(Hebrews  10:31 NLT)

This does not need to be our fate.
This reference is regarding those who after
receiving the knowledge of the truth continue
to live in sin turning their back on God.

Just previous to this we were told that because
of the blood of Jesus a new and life giving way
has been provided for us so that we can boldly;
enter heaven's Most Holy Place,
we can go right into the presence of God,
our guilty consciences have been cleansed
with the blood of Jesus,
and our bodies have been washed with pure 

"But we are not like those who turn
away from God to their own destruction.
We are the faithful ones, whose
souls will be saved."
(Hebrews 10:39 NLT)


Thursday, January 20, 2022


“The LORD is my helper,

so I will have no fear.

What can mere people

do to me?”

(Hebrews 13:6 NLT)


Wednesday, January 19, 2022


In your Christian experience you might live on
a mountain top where the sun is always shining,
the temperature is always correct and the birds always

But, I don't.
And I would bet that you do not either.  I have times
that I feel like God and I are close buddies.  Then the
next day I wonder where he went.  What is wrong with
me?  [Or you.]

I recently got a book on the life of David Brainerd.
It is largely based on his Diary, not some one writing
about him.  You probably know that David Brainerd
possibly tried to walk closer to God than any man
alive since the Apostle Paul.  True he was of a frail
nature, but he wore himself out in service to God and
died at an early age of only 30 years old.

Thus far, the thing in the book that is the most
encouraging to me is the fact that even this man
who tried to make every minute count for God,
had discouraging hours and days wondering if 
God had forsaken him.  WOW! even him.

Madam Guyon the celebrated French Mystic
who was one of the greatest Christian leaders
of all time even had her "down times".  If I 
remember correctly she went through a period
of time for seven years wondering if or why
God had abandoned her.

I am simply saying that even the best of Christians
have their low periods of time.  Consider the Psalmist:

"O LORD, how long will you forget me?  Forever?
How long will you look the other way?
How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul,
with sorrow in my heart every day?
How long will my enemy have the upper hand?
Turn and answer me, O LORD my God!
Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die."
(Psalms 13:1 - 3 NLT)

"Therefore, since we are surrounded
by such a huge crowd of witnesses to 
the life of faith, let us strip off every
weight that slows us down, especially
the sin that so easily trips us up.  And
let us run with endurance the race God
has set before us."
(Hebrews 12:1 NLT)


Tuesday, January 18, 2022


"Dying to self is the door to godliness
(Galatians 2:20)
And it is a choice we must make."
- K.P. Yohannan


Sunday, January 16, 2022


Do you ever get discouraged because you can't
do great things for God?  The world wants you 
to strive to great things.  Often Christians would
exhort us to attempt great things for God.  And we 
look at what some of the outstanding Christians
are doing, and that discourages us.  But, is that 
what God asks of us?

Well, probably God did not give you the gift
or ability to do "great things."

Hang on for a minute.  I'm going to make the
whole Christian world mad at me for pointing
out this fact.

Nowhere in the Bible does it call "preaching"
a gift.  Look very carefully at Romans chapter
12 and 1 Corinthians chapter 12, the gift 
chapters.  Just try and find preaching in 
them, or anywhere else where preaching is 
called a gift.

Yes, yes, yes.  I know the Scripture teaches
us that "pastors" are a gift to the Church.
But in the Bible, "preach" and "pastor" are
two different words with two different 
meanings.  Modern Christians have confused
them and mixed them up.

But look at some of the gifts listed in Romans
chapter 12, they are very common.
"serving others"
"encouraging others"
"giving generously"
"show kindness to others"
[As recorded in the NLT]

Consider why God said He even saved us.

"For by grace you have been saved
through faith; and that not of yourselves,
it is the gift of God; not as a result of works,
so that no one may boast.  For we are His
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for
good works, which God prepared before-
hand so that we would walk in them."
(Ephesians 2:8 - 10 NASB)

God saved us to "good works".  God gives
us the gift or ability to do the simple stuff
to help others.  Let's get out there and do
anything we can to help someone else in
any way we can with a glad heart and thank
God for the chance to serve Him.

Thursday, January 13, 2022


“God is our refuge and strength,

always ready to help in times

of trouble.”

(Psalms 46:1 NLT)


Wednesday, January 12, 2022



I think it was Shakespeare who said something
to the effect that this world is a stage and the
people on it are the actors.  There seems to be
a lot of truth in that thought.

Consider, how many men do you know that
"strut", or women who "prance" across the 
stage of life?

Thankfully that is not true of everyone.  But
we all have a element of "pride" in us.  It is part
of our human nature. Most of us try to hid it to 
some degree.  But all pride runs country to God's
will for us.

If I checked properly there are at least 25 times
in the Scriptures that admonish us to humble 

But there is a day coming that ALL human
pride is going to be humbled.  It is the day 
when Jesus Christ returns,  Then those who 
have rejected Christ from their lives will try
to hid from the wrath of God that is coming
on them.

"So now they will be humbled,
and all will be brought low -
do not forgive them.
Crawl into caves in the rocks.
Hide in the dust
from the terror of the LORD
and the glory of his majesty.
Human pride will be brought down,
and human arrogance will be 
Only the LORD will be exalted
on that day of judgment."
(Isaiah 2:9 - 11 NLT)

I prefer to humble myself before God
now when I can do it of my own free will.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022



“Someone has said that there are more than

1,000 commentaries on the book of Acts in

the English language - but not 100 Christians

living with the power of the New Testament


“All too often it seems we’re willing to be students

of Christianity rather than disciples of Christ.  The

fact is that most of us are substituting learning

and information for practical obedience.”

                  - K.P. Yohannan -

Sunday, January 9, 2022


"He was despised and rejected -
a man of sorrows, acquainted
with deepest grief.
We turned our backs on him and 
looked the other way.
He was despised, and we did
not care."
(Isaiah 53:3 NLT)

This is what the prophet Isaiah 
prophesied about the coming of 
Jesus Christ.  And it came true, 
they even killed Jesus.

This is even true in our day and age.
The world at large is ignoring him,
hating him and his values, cursing 


Possibly my favorite truth or fact is;

Therefore, God elevated him to
the place of highest honor
and gave him the name above
all other names,
that at the name of Jesus every
knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and
under the earth,
and every tongue declare that
Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father."
(Philippians 2:9 - 11 NLT)

Think of it.
Every man, woman, child that ever
lived on the face of the earth is going 
to bow to Jesus some day, whether
they want to or not.

The devil himself and all his demons
in hell is going to be forced to bow
to Jesus and declare that Jesus Christ
is Lord.

I prefer to bow to him now willingly
and joyfully.


Thursday, January 6, 2022




I had trouble posting this image on
another internet platform.  So, I am
testing here to determine if it is the
image or the platform.

Thank you for your patience and may



"But we are citizens of heaven,
where the Lord Jesus Christ
lives.  And we are eagerly waiting
for him to return as our Savior."
(Philippians 3:20 NLT)

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


If you have lived as long as I have, you have
had times that it seemed that all your time and
effort was totally wasted.  It seemed futile to 

Jesus disciples had the same thing happen to them.

"Master,' Simon replied, we
worked hard all last night and
didn't catch a thing.  But if you say
so, I'll let the nets down again,'  And
this time their nets were so full of
fish they began to tear!  A shout for
help brought their partners in the
other boat, and soon both boats
were filled with fish and on the
verge of sinking."
(Luke 5:5 - 7 NLT)

What made the difference?
Jesus was there and his instructions
were followed.

I've learned to call on God for his help
before I even begin something.  Even
when he shows me what to do and gives
me the wisdom to do it - without his help
it ends up a miserable task.

Even after Jesus resurrection the disciples
faced the same problem again.  They were
discouraged and did not know what else 
to do but go fishing.

"He called out, 'Fellows, have you
caught any fish?'  'No,' they replied.
Then he said, 'Throw out your
net on the right-hand side of the 
boat, and you'll get some!'  So they
did, and they couldn't haul in the
net because there were so many 
fish in it."
(John 21:5,6 NLT)

This time there ended up being 153 large
fish caught at the instructions of Jesus.

Fishing was the occupation of the disciples
before they begin to follow Jesus.  So they
were only doing what they knew to do.

The point, if you go off to work, or go
fishing for enjoyment,



Tuesday, January 4, 2022



“The early Christian church believed in and prayed

for the filling of the Holy Spirit, and this was the

secret of its power.  It lived in the Spirit, walked in

the Spirit, prayed in the Spirit, and sang in the

Spirit.  Its meetings were conducted in the Pentecostal

order, or manner; everyone praying, singing or 

testifying as they were moved by the Spirit. “

- James Gilchrist Lawson -

Sunday, January 2, 2022


Do you ever get tired of seeing some people's
picture, or hearing about what they did?
I do.

Let them say some thing smart, do a good
deed, or accomplish some feat and you 
never hear the end of it.

It may be true that in some cases it is the
fault of the media simply wanting news
to publish.  It might not be the person 
seeking recognition.  But in most cases it
seems that the recognition or fame is 

Take heart.  There is a time coming when
the rich, famous, shakers and doers will
not be the "top dogs".  Things as we know
them are going to be reversed.
Consider the attitude that Jesus expresses.

"Jesus replied, 'I assure you that
when the world is made new and
the Son of Man sits upon his glorious
throne, ......
"But many who are the greatest now
will be least important then, and those
who seem least important now will be
the greatest then."
(Matthew 19:28 & 30 NLT)

Or consider when the disciples had a

"But Jesus called them together and said,
'You know that the rulers in this 
world lord it over their people, and
officials flaunt their authority over
those under them.  But among you
it will be different.  Whoever wants 
to be a leader among you must be
your servant, and whoever wants
to be first among you must become
your slave.  For even the Son of
Man came not to be served but to
serve others and to give his life as
a ransom for many."
(Matthew 20:25 - 28 NLT)

I do not want to be a leader now,
or even then.  I do not want any fame
then either.  I just want to get there.
But I see that I need to humble myself
before God and men even now.

"The greatest among you must be
a servant.  But those who exalt themselves
will be humbled, and those who humble
themselves will be exalted."
(Matthew 23:11,12 NLT)