Wednesday, January 5, 2022


If you have lived as long as I have, you have
had times that it seemed that all your time and
effort was totally wasted.  It seemed futile to 

Jesus disciples had the same thing happen to them.

"Master,' Simon replied, we
worked hard all last night and
didn't catch a thing.  But if you say
so, I'll let the nets down again,'  And
this time their nets were so full of
fish they began to tear!  A shout for
help brought their partners in the
other boat, and soon both boats
were filled with fish and on the
verge of sinking."
(Luke 5:5 - 7 NLT)

What made the difference?
Jesus was there and his instructions
were followed.

I've learned to call on God for his help
before I even begin something.  Even
when he shows me what to do and gives
me the wisdom to do it - without his help
it ends up a miserable task.

Even after Jesus resurrection the disciples
faced the same problem again.  They were
discouraged and did not know what else 
to do but go fishing.

"He called out, 'Fellows, have you
caught any fish?'  'No,' they replied.
Then he said, 'Throw out your
net on the right-hand side of the 
boat, and you'll get some!'  So they
did, and they couldn't haul in the
net because there were so many 
fish in it."
(John 21:5,6 NLT)

This time there ended up being 153 large
fish caught at the instructions of Jesus.

Fishing was the occupation of the disciples
before they begin to follow Jesus.  So they
were only doing what they knew to do.

The point, if you go off to work, or go
fishing for enjoyment,



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