Tuesday, June 28, 2022



Thursday, June 23, 2022


"Commit your actions to the LORD,
and your plans will succeed."
(Proverbs 16:3 NLT)


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

My wife passed away about two years ago.
We have not been in a hurry to discard all
of her things.  I guess we are hanging on to
the memory of her.

A few days ago a great grandson came in 
with a box full of these little things on the
window sill.  My wife was fascinated by these
little things.  They wiggle, move, dance etc.
So the boy put them up there in the window.

That is what got me to thinking.
She throughly enjoyed the simple little things.
But when she passed away she did not take them
with her.
And she did not take a wardrobe full of clothes
she had.
And she did not that her car with her.
And she did not take the money she had
in the bank with her.

No wonder Jesus said;
"Don't store up treasures here on 
earth, where moths eat them and
rust destroys them, and where
thieves break in and steal.
Store your treasures in heaven, where
moths and rust cannot destroy, and
thieves do not break in and steal.
Wherever your treasure is, there
the desires of your heart will also be.
(Matthew 6:19-21 NLT)

After we have finished this life here on
earth, we are all going to spend eternity
somewhere.  Is it better to spend our time,
money and efforts on things that will only
last a few years here on earth, or where
we will be forever?

"We all come to the end of our lives
as naked and empty handed as the 
day we are born.  We can't take our
our riches with us."
(Ecclesiastes 5:15 NLT) 


Tuesday, June 21, 2022


“God doesn’t want us

doing more for him.

He wants us to do more

with Him.”

- author unknown -


Sunday, June 19, 2022



"In the wilderness their desires ran wild,
testing God's patience in that dry wasteland.
So he gave them what they asked for, but he
sent a plague along with it."
(Psalms 106:14,15 NLT)

Some versions instead of "plague" say;
he sent "a wasting disease".

How many times have you got what you
wanted, only to find out you made a mistake.
And sometimes a serious mistake.

A few minutes ago I was reflecting on three
distinct things I wanted and prayed for over
my life.  I wanted them more than anything 
in life and prayed for them.  But, I can now
see that if God had allowed me to have them
it would have been a serious mistake.

They all would have given me "pleasure",
at least for a time.  But likely would have
destroyed me.

Before I want something I need to first
check and see if it is God's will for me.

"Yet you don't have what you want because
you don't ask God for it.  And even when 
you ask, you don't get it because your motives
are all wrong - you want only what will give
you pleasure."
(James 4:2,3 NLT)

Thursday, June 16, 2022


"This is why we work hard and 
continue to struggle, for our hope
is in the living God, who is the 
Savior of all people and particularly
of all believers."
(1Timothy 4:10 NLT)


Wednesday, June 15, 2022


 It is no use for you to get up early and stay up late, 
working for a living. The Lord gives sleep to 
those he loves.
(Psalm 127:2 NCV)

I just want to thank God for sleep.  You young
folks want to go, go and go day and night.  But
at my age a night's sleep or a good nap in the 
day is a real pleasure.

You too probably know people who cannot
sleep well because of various body conditions.
And, if you are old enough you have some
aches and pains too and know what a joy it
is to have a good solid sleep.



Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Sunday, June 12, 2022


We live in a world that is falling apart.
It is being destroyed by evil on every 
hand.  As we some times say; "The world
is going to hell in a hand basket."

The country I live in has turned it's back
on God.  It trying to eliminate God in 
every aspect.  The result is, this country
is self destructing.  Every decision our
so called "leaders" makes ends up working
out almost as a curse on the people of 
the country.  We are being destroyed from
within.  And if I understand Bible prophecy
correctly, this country will be destroyed;
as a country anyway.

Lot, the nephew of Abraham, was living
in a similar situation in Sodom.  The sins
of Sodom that are so repulsive to God had
finally crossed over the line.  It was going
to utterly destroy Sodom, which it did.

But God cares for his own, even when
they live in such evil times and places.
If you are a Bible student you know that
God sent some angles to deliver Lot.
Yes, Lot lost all of his material goods,
but Lot himself was saved out of it.

"Yes, Lot was a righteous man who was
tormented in his soul by the wickedness
he saw and heard day after day.  So you
see, the Lord knows how to rescue godly 
people from their trials, even while keeping
the wicked under punishment until the day
of final judgment."
(2 Peter 2:8,9 NLT)

You can see in the above that God will
deliver "godly" people from the destruction
and trials that come on the world.

If I hang on to God and stay in a relationship
with Him - He will rescue me and bring me
 through it for my welfare and his praise.


Thursday, June 9, 2022


"Even when I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will not be afraid,
for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
protect and comfort me."
(Psalms 23:4 NLT)


Wednesday, June 8, 2022




What instructions?
The ones Jesus gave me.
Not those to Noah or Joseph.

Let me review what Jesus said
then we will get back to the picture.

"That is why I tell you not to 
worry about everyday life - whether
you have enough food and drink, or
enough clothes to wear.  Isn't life
more than clothing"?  Look at the
birds.  They don't plant or harvest or
store food in barns, for your heavenly
Father feeds them.  And aren't
you far more valuable to him than
they are?  Can all your worries add
a single moment to your life?
(verses 25 - 27 then verse 34
Matthew 6 NLT)
"So don't worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will bring its own
worries.  Today's trouble is enough
for today." 

Many years ago I tried to emulate Noah
and/or Joseph.  I was looking forward to 
the potential problems of today.  So, I
built a bomb shelter in case of nuclear
attack.  I bought a truck load of survival
food.  I put tools and anything I could 
think of needing in it.

The little tools above are some of the small
tools that were in the shelter.  Just like the
shelter, food and other supplies -

If I had followed Jesus instructions to me
instead of choosing my own instructions
I would be money (lots of money)  ahead.
And all that time and effort I spent on 
preparing for trouble could have been spent
on something useful.
But no, it was wasted.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022


“It is not needful always to be in church 

to be with God.  We can make a chapel 

of our heart, to which we can from time 

to time withdraw to have gentle, humble, 

loving communion with him.  Everyone is 

able to have these familiar conversations 

with God, some more, some less - he 

knows our capabilities.”

- Brother Lawrence -



Sunday, June 5, 2022


"But the Lord said to her, 'My dear

Martha, you are worried and upset

over all these details!  There is only

on thing worth being concerned

about.  Mary has discovered it, and

it will not be taken away from her."

(Luke 10:41 NLT)

Martha wanted to serve Jesus.
Mary wanted to be with Jesus.

Martha was like us.  She missed the point.
We get frantic trying to do a lot of "stuff"
for Jesus.  But Jesus just wants us to be with

You know the 1st command as well as I.

"You must love the LORD your God
with all your heart, all your soul, and
all your mind."
(Matthew 22:37 NLT)

Love wants to serve the other.
But first and most important
Love wants to be with the other.

How much time am I spending loving Jesus?

Thursday, June 2, 2022


“The LORD is good to this who

depend on him, to those who

search for him.  So it is good to

wait quietly for salvation from

the LORD.”

(Lamentations 3:25,26 NLT)


Wednesday, June 1, 2022



"Enoch lived 365 years, walking 
in close fellowship with God.  Then
one day he disappeared, because
God took him."
(Genesis 5:23,24 NLT)

Are we missing the main point?
We want to do things for God.  We
want to serve him and be counted
worthy as as child of his.

But notice, there was no special
ministry on the part of Enoch.  He
just fellowshipped with God.  True,
Jude tells us of a prophecy that Enoch
made.  But anyone living close to God
is going to learn something about what
God has going on.

Consider Abraham.  Several different
places in the Scriptures Abraham is 
called "the friend of God."  What was
Abraham's area of service?  He was
simply a "farmer" of his day who 
trusted God and lived for and with

David.  True he became king.  But
why did God make David King. 
Because David was "a man after God's
own heart".  What made him a man after
God's own heart.  He was just a shepherd
boy tending sheep.  But it appears that
when he wasn't chasing sheep, he was
playing on his harp and singing praise
to God.

I have often envied the multitude of 
good things the church at Ephesus did.
[See Revelation  3:2-4]. But God had 
a complaint against them.

I don't need to tell you that the first
commandment is:
"And you must love the LORD 
your God with all your heart,
all your soul, all your mind, and
all your strength."
(Mark 12:30 NLT)

Of course if we love God we will
obey him.  But;

The scariest Scripture I know is in
Matthew as a part of the Sermon on
the Mount.
"On judgment day many will say 
to me, 'Lord! Lord!  We prophesied
in your name and cast out demons in
your name and performed many
miracles in your name.' But I will
reply, 'I never knew you.  Get away
from me, you who break God's laws.'
(Matthew 7:22,23 NLT)

The name of Jesus is powerful.  It can
do anything.  But they in truth did not
know Christ.  They were using his name
like someone stealing your pass word
and using your computer.

Am I actually spending time with Jesus
everyday getting to know him.  Or,
just trying to work for him.