Sunday, June 12, 2022


We live in a world that is falling apart.
It is being destroyed by evil on every 
hand.  As we some times say; "The world
is going to hell in a hand basket."

The country I live in has turned it's back
on God.  It trying to eliminate God in 
every aspect.  The result is, this country
is self destructing.  Every decision our
so called "leaders" makes ends up working
out almost as a curse on the people of 
the country.  We are being destroyed from
within.  And if I understand Bible prophecy
correctly, this country will be destroyed;
as a country anyway.

Lot, the nephew of Abraham, was living
in a similar situation in Sodom.  The sins
of Sodom that are so repulsive to God had
finally crossed over the line.  It was going
to utterly destroy Sodom, which it did.

But God cares for his own, even when
they live in such evil times and places.
If you are a Bible student you know that
God sent some angles to deliver Lot.
Yes, Lot lost all of his material goods,
but Lot himself was saved out of it.

"Yes, Lot was a righteous man who was
tormented in his soul by the wickedness
he saw and heard day after day.  So you
see, the Lord knows how to rescue godly 
people from their trials, even while keeping
the wicked under punishment until the day
of final judgment."
(2 Peter 2:8,9 NLT)

You can see in the above that God will
deliver "godly" people from the destruction
and trials that come on the world.

If I hang on to God and stay in a relationship
with Him - He will rescue me and bring me
 through it for my welfare and his praise.


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