Wednesday, October 16, 2013


"No, in all these things we have complete victory
through him who loved us!  For I am certain
that nothing can separate us from his love;
neither death nor life, neither angels nor other
heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present
nor the future, neither the world above nor the 
world below - there is nothing in all creation that 
will ever be able to separate us from the love of 
God which is ours through Christ Jesus our 
(Romans 8:37-39 GNT)

"The promises of the Lord can be trusted;
they are as genuine as silver refined
seven times in the furnace."
(Psalms 12:6 GNT)

1. Meditate on God's Promises.
2. Plead the Promises at the throne of Grace.
3. Act in Faith that God Will Perform His Promises.
(William Gurnall)

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