Wednesday, January 30, 2019


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Many years ago my wife and I was at one of the national
parks near here.  We probably were there to do some 
hiking.  However there was a bicycle event of some sort
going on there also.  They were "mountain bikes" [Like in 
the image below.] with a number of different obstacle courses 
and contests being conducted, so we stopped to watch one.

What was of special interest to myself was that most of the
contestants, in the one we were watching ,were teen age boys,
except for one young man possibly thirty years old.  This
guy had one of the better bikes and wore all the "correct"
bicycling clothing.  He was dressed to kill, just like the
fellow in the upper image.  Not being too smart I assumed
he must be a real pro in that kind of thing.  So, I was anxious
to see him preform.

When his turn came, well, he did manage to finish just 
barely, the beginners course.

He had lots of SHOW but no GO.

Image courtesy of:     

I am noticing that same problem in the "spiritual world" of 
today.  Or if you prefer the "religious" world.  There is lots 
of good talk, but very little "walk" that matches their talk.

God told us that in these end times things would be that
way.  He said it this way;

 "They will act religious, but
 they will reject the power that could make 
them godly.  Stay away from people like 
(2 Timothy 3:5 NLT)

Jesus Christ said it this way;

"Beware of false prophets who come disguised
as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves.
You can identify them by their fruit, that is,
by the way they act.  Can you pick grapes from
thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?" ...
"Yes, just as you can identify a tree by it fruit,
so you can identify people by their actions."
(Matthew 7:15,16 and 20 NLT)

What am I suggesting?
Quit looking at "religious" people to see how it is
done.  Get ahold of a "Holy Bible" and read it for
yourself.  After all, it is God himself that you and
I will answer to, not these pseudo spiritual people.

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