Wednesday, March 2, 2022


My wife has a cat.  No it is not that one.  Her
cat is too old and shaggy to admit it is still here.

But the old cat has some attitudes that I should
adopt.  When I step out of the bedroom door in
the morning the cat will be on the other side of 
the door to trip me - I mean meet me.

Then the cat will get under my feet, that is, lead
me to the coffee pot, if I don't stumble over it.

And from there it will come sit at my feet while
I drink coffee - because it wants in my lap.
Like it wants in my lap when I am reading, or
eating or resting. etc., etc., etc.,

In short, the cat wants to be with me while I am
in the house.

I should want to be with Jesus more than
anything.  What was it that made king
David a favorite with God?

 "But God removed Saul and replaced him 
with David, a man about whom God said, 
‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man 
after my own heart. He will do everything 
want him to do.’"
(Acts 13:22 NLT)

And what made David a man after his own heart?

David himself said;

"As the deer longs for streams of water, 
so I long for you, O God."
(Psalms 42:1 NLT)
And further:

"I lift my hands to you in prayer. 
I thirst for you as parched land 
thirsts for rain."
(Psalms 143:6 NLT)

 If we longed for God like David did, perhaps
He could use us also.


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