Wednesday, March 9, 2022


This morning while reading my Bible the verse
in the image was in one of the chapters I was 
reading.  This drew my mind to the current situation
in the churches of today.

Consider this observation.  My parents told me that
they first took me to church when I was one week
old.  [That does not make a Christian of me I know.]
So the reality is that up until this "pandemic" thing
I regularly was in church twice on Sunday and at least
once during the middle of the week for over eighty

Depending on where I lived it would have been in
any of these denominations;
Brethren, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Catholic,
Independent, Non-denominational and more.

When I was possibly around twenty five years
of age I began to get serious with God.  That of
course put me into the Bible in a big way.
One of the first things I noticed was that any of
the churches I went to were not like the Church
Christ established in the New Testament.
Something was different.

Yes, the Scriptures do tell us how to - Conduct a
Church service.  Very clearly and distinctly.  But,
nobody pays any attention to it.

To the best of my knowledge in all of these years
and many different churches, I have only been in
"One", you know "1" church service that was conducted
the way the Scriptures tell us to conduct it.



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