Monday, December 29, 2014


"I look to the mountains;
where will my help come from?
My help will come from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.

He wil not let you fall;
your protector is always awake.

The protector of Israel
never dozes or sleeps.
The Lord will guard you;
he is by your side 
to protect you.
The sun will not hurt you
during the day,
nor the moon during the

The Lord will protect you
from all danger;
he will keep you safe.
He will protect you as you
come and go
now and forever."
(Psalms 121 TEV)

Saturday, December 20, 2014








Friday, December 5, 2014


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Do I need to tell you that it will change your priorities?

Most of my life I have been sort of a "hot rodder".
But how fast my car is does not matter - now.
In fact, of my several motorcycles,
it does not even matter if they run - now.

The outcome of the world series [What ever that is.]
does not matter.

The size of the house I live in does not matter.
Nor how large or small my bank account is.

When you are looking at death as being just around the 
corner, you realize that most of what we think is important 
in life is mere frivolous, shallow trivia.

I have more or less lived a "full" life.  I am only 80
 years old now.  And if God is willing would like to
do a little more.  But that is in God's hands.


You may be only one half of my age.  But that does not
mean you will out last me.  How much more of your life
are you going to waste before you stand before the God
who gives you life?

Right now I am living on other people's blood.
The Bible tells us that the life is in the blood.  
I will assure you, that is true. 

But there is one more fact of life.
Jesus Christ willingly gave his blood for you so
that you can have real life here on earth now and

You will not make it without the blood of someone
else - the blood of Jesus Christ applied to your life.
Not well now, and certainly not in the life here

Sunday, April 27, 2014


"Do not love the world or anything that belongs
to the world.  If you love the world, you do not
love the Father.  Everything that belongs to the
world - what the sinful self desires, what people
are so proud of - none of this comes from the 
Father; it all comes from the world.  The world
and everything in it that people desire is passing
away; but those who do the will of God live
(1 John 2:15 - 17 TEV)


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Friday, April 25, 2014


I know.
This is a very poor picture.
 I was setting here at the kitchen table 
having a cup of tea.  Looking out the window
I realized an important truth was being played 
out before my eyes.  Grabbing my camera I
shot between the steamed up portions of the 
window at just a small portion of the livestock.

In the field there was at least one horse.  There
were a lot of cows.  There were a lot of sheep.
They were white, black, brown and who knows
what other colors in the herd.
Yes, even a squirrel.

Do you know what?
They were ALL grazing peacefully enjoying 
the day.  They were all minding their own business
doing their own job and everybody was happy 
doing it.

"Make it your aim to live a quiet life,
to mind your own business,
and to earn your own living,
just as we told you before.
In this way you will win the respect
of those who are not believers
and you will not have to depend
on anyone for what you need."
(1 Thessalonians 4:11,12 TEV)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


"Be careful not to let yourselves become
occupied with too much feasting and drinking
and with the worries of this life, or that Day 
may suddenly catch you like a trap.  For it will 
come upon all people everywhere on earth.  Be 
on watch and pray always that you will have the 
strength to go safely through all those things that 
will happen and to stand before the Son of Man."

"The promises of the Lord can be trusted;
they are as genuine as silver refined
seven times in the furnace."
(Psalms 12:6 GNT)

1. Meditate on God's Promises.
2. Plead the Promises at the throne of Grace.
3. Act in Faith that God Will Perform His Promises.
(William Gurnall)
(Luke 21:34-36 GNT)

Friday, April 11, 2014



I do not read as well as you do.  But I have learned 
to read a little bit.  And over the years there have been
so many things that; encourage, inspire, motivate, or
even warn me, that I feel compelled to share some of
it with you.

"Comparative few people die of overwork.
By far more people die of underwork and 

-W.V. Marshburn. M.D.
"Spiritual Experiences in 
Business Life."
p. 92

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


"It is God who clothes the wild grass -
grass that is here today and gone tomorrow,
burned up in the oven.  Won't he be all the
more sure to clothe you?  What little faith  
you have!
"So do not start worrying; 'Where will
my food come from? or my drink? or 
my clothes?' (These are the things the 
pagans are always concerned about.)
Your Father in heaven knows that you
need all these things.  Instead, be concerned
above everything else with the Kingdom
of God and with what he requires of you,
and he will provide you with all these
other things.  So do not worry about
tomorrow, it will have enough worries
of its own.  There is no need to add to
the troubles each day brings."
(Matthew 6:30 - 34 GNT)

"The promises of the Lord can be trusted;
they are as genuine as silver refined
seven times in the furnace."
(Psalms 12:6 GNT)

1. Meditate on God's Promises.
2. Plead the Promises at the throne of Grace.
3. Act in Faith that God Will Perform His Promises.
(William Gurnall)

Sunday, April 6, 2014


"When the Pharisees heard all this,
they made fun of Jesus, because
they loved money.  Jesus said to 
them 'You are the ones who make
yourselves look right in other people's
sight, but God knows your hearts.
For the things that are considered of
great value by people are worth 
nothing in God's sight.'"
(Luke 16:14,15 TEV)


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Wednesday, April 2, 2014


"But I am telling you the truth;
it is better for you that I go away,
because if I do not go, the Helper
will not come to you.  But if I
do go away, then I will send him
to you."
"When, however, the Spirit comes,
who reveals the truth about God, 
he will lead you into all the truth.
He will not speak on his own authority,
but he will speak of what he hears
ad will tell you of things to come."
(John 16:7 & 13 GNT)

"The promises of the Lord can be trusted;
they are as genuine as silver refined
seven times in the furnace."
(Psalms 12:6 GNT)

1. Meditate on God's Promises.
2. Plead the Promises at the throne of Grace.
3. Act in Faith that God Will Perform His Promises.
(William Gurnall)

Sunday, March 30, 2014


"Does this sound as if I am trying to win human approval?
No indeed!  What I want is God's approval!  Am I trying
to be popular with people?  If I were still trying to do so,
I would not be a servant of Christ."
(Galatians 1:10 TEV)


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Friday, March 28, 2014


Yes, that is a smoke alarm.  I put a new battery
in it a week or two ago and it works very, very well.

I am not a cook.  I freely confess it.
I can fry eggs.  Sort of.
I can make messed up (scrambled) eggs.  Sort of.
And I can reheat things in the Microwave.  Sort of.

The wife has been gone a few days leaving me on 
my own.  (She tried to have things ready for me.)
So yesterday I took a few pieces of fish out of the 
freezer.  The fish even had instructions with it.  How
can you miss.

Now experience has taught me that most food things
come with two sets of instructions.  One for microwaves
and one for regular ovens.  That is the one the wife uses
so much for me.  The oven.  You know, preheat for
xxxx minutes then cook for a whole lot longer.  Then
turn over and let cool or what ever.  But hay!  I
want to eat today - noon - not tonight.  So, I am a 
microwave boy.

Looking at the fish and the instructions with it, there
were two sets of instructions.  The bottom one was 
for the oven.  That's not the one I want.  So, the top
instructions it is.

I followed it to the letter.

In a couple of minutes I began to smell the fish.
That is good.  Then it began to not smell quite the
same.  But what do I know about cooking.

When the smoke alarm went off and the wife's cat
went wild I suspected something was not quite
right.  Correct.  Smoke was coming out of the 
microwave.  And the fish was just black stuff toasted
to the plate.

I went back and looked at the instructions again.  I had
done it right.  Except that these fish had no microwave 
instructions.  Only instructions for the stove top or the
And things ended up toasted.

What instructions are you following for life???????

Some you have made up yourself?
You'll end up toasted.

Some world famous guru??????
You'll end up toasted.

Or the instructions of some outstanding,
do it this way and get rich, spiritual leader??
You'll end up toasted.

If you don't want to end up toasted,
you had better follow the instructions of the 
manufacture - Jesus Christ.  The one who
created you and gives you life.  They are found
in a book called "The Holy Bible".

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


"I am telling you the truth;
those who believe in me will do what I do -
yes, they will do even greater things,
because I am going to the Father.
And I will do whatever you ask for
in my name, so that the Father's glory 
will be shown through the Son.
If you ask me for anything in my name,
I will do it."
(John 14:12 - 14 GNT)

"The promises of the Lord can be trusted;
they are as genuine as silver refined
seven times in the furnace."
(Psalms 12:6 GNT)

1. Meditate on God's Promises.
2. Plead the Promises at the throne of Grace.
3. Act in Faith that God Will Perform His Promises.
(William Gurnall)

Sunday, March 23, 2014


"Go in through the narrow gate,  
because the gate to hell is wide
and the road that leads to it is easy,
and there are many who travel it.
But the gate to life is narrow
and the way that leads to it is hard,
and there are few people who find it."
(Matthew 7:13,14 TEV)


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Wednesday, March 19, 2014


"And it is the will of him who sent me
that I should not lose any of all those
he has given me, but that I should raise
them all to life on the last day.  For what
my Father wants is that all who see the 
Son and believe in him should have eternal
life.  And I will raise them to life on the
last day."
(John 6:39,40 GNT)

"The promises of the Lord can be trusted;
they are as genuine as silver refined
seven times in the furnace."
(Psalms 12:6 GNT)

1. Meditate on God's Promises.
2. Plead the Promises at the throne of Grace.
3. Act in Faith that God Will Perform His Promises.
(William Gurnall)

Friday, March 14, 2014


You have heard the expression, "living on borrowed time".
That's me. [Truly, all of us.]  I have out lived most of
my contemporaries and my days are numbered.  That throws
a different prospective on life.  Where did it go?  What do I
have to show for it????

What do I have to show for it?  This has been a concern
of mine for some time now.  I have not established any great
ministry, or been a philanthropist.  I can point to no great
exploits or accomplishments.  I have not even attained the status
of super saint or prayer warrior.  And my next step will
be to stand before God.  Is it to be empty handed?

The world teaches us to "hitch our wagon to a star".  To
set lofty goals and strive for great attainments.  Not how to
fail.  Where have I failed?

But God.  I love that.  But God has shown me something.
I have read all the way through the Bible more times
than the years you have been alive.  And nowhere in it
does it teach, instruct, urge or exhort us to establish goals
or plans for success, or seek great accomplishments, even for God.
[Yes, it does speak of planning - depending on the version
you are reading.  And the apostle Paul's goal was to please
Christ, as should be ours and our ambition is to be to lead
a quite life.  In fact the apostle Paul made plans a number
of times - but often God changed them.  Consider the
Macedonian call.

But, all the way from Genesis to Revelation it does
exhort us walk with, live, love, and obey God daily.  That
is "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart" etc.

Let's face it.  If you or I, every day do or go where God
wants us to.  Step by step we are going to end up where God
wants us to be, and accomplish what God wants us to.
Also, we will have gotten there the way God wants us
to, not the way we think we should.

And, all the way from Genesis to Revelation it does exhort
us to do good, good deeds, help our fellow man etc.
"And thou shalt love they neighbor as thy self" etc.

Remember the woman who broke the vile of perfume
on Jesus.  The disciples rebuked her.  But Jesus said
to leave her alone.  "She has done what she could."
Have I done what I could???

Or, in the Temple rich people were throwing in lots
of money.  [That's what I wanted to do.] But a poor widow
 put in two (2) copper coins.  And because that was all she
had, Jesus said she put in more than the rest.  (That's where

Consider several Scriptures,

"Not every one who says to me 'Lord, Lord,' shall
enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will
of my Father who is in heaven.  On that day many will
say to me 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name'
and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty
works in your name?'  And then will I declare to them,
'I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.'"
(Matthew 7:21-23 RSV)
[Notice that, 'I never knew you..."  There was no
relationship with Christ."]

and in contrast,

"He has showed you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?"
(Micah 6:8 RSV)

Jesus said,
"You can be sure that whoever gives even a drink
of cold water to one of the least of these my
followers because he is my follower will certainly
receive a reward."
(Matthew 10:42 GNT)

When the creator was here on earth he also said,

"... If one of you wants to be great,
you must be the servant of the rest;
and if one of you wants to be first,
you must be the slave of all."
(Mark 10:43, 44 TEV)

Joseph C. Aldrich said,
"Do what God has gifted you to do."
Gentle Persuasion

That speaks to me.
Apparently God did not gift me to do great things.
With the "skills" he provided me with,
a wrench fits my hand better. 

Now I feel like Bruce Larson expressed it 
 when writing to Keith Miller:
" were so excited about realizing that you didn't
have to do something 'big' for God?"

As Bruce, a minister, latter expressed it, 

"I do not believe that God holds us responsible for success,
but for obedience.  He will judge us by our efforts,
not by our successes."

Paul Rader that great evangelist of the late 1800's
and early 1900's made this comment about serving 

"He is not asking you to do great things.
He is asking you to allow Him to do things."
Paul Rader's 
Stories of His Early Life.

And Oswald Chambers, that great saint of almost
a century ago said,

"It is inbred in us that we have to do exceptional 
things for God; but we have not.  We have to be
exceptional in ordinary things, to be holy in mean
streets, among mean people, and this is not learned
in five minutes."
My Utmost For His Highest
Oswald Chambers
p. 218

Isn't that great?
God does not call us to great accomplishments.
But simply to be obedient and faithful to him.

If God puts a dream in us, 
of course - go for it.  We would have to, to be
faithful and obedient to him.

But if he has not.....

My desire now would simply be,
when I stand before God to have a life time
of walking day by day with him and 
a string of good deeds left behind.

I know human nature.  So when you are busy
making your plans consider these truths.

"A man's mind plans his way,
but the Lord directs his steps."
"Many are the plans in the mind of a man,
but it is the purpose of the Lord that will
be established."
"A man's steps are ordered by the LORD;
how then can a man understand his way?"
"I know, O LORD, that the way of man
is not in himself,
that it is not in man who walks to direct
his steps."
(Proverbs 16:9, 19:23, 20:24, Jeremiah 10:23 RSV)


I started this post a long time ago.
But because it is so contrary to popular opinion
I was reluctant to post it.  In fact, I was beginning
to wonder if I had missed it altogether.  So while 
doing some searching of others writings. (Even
with "DR." attached to their names.) I found
none to lead me to a Scriptural exhortation to
set goals etc.  They did however give some 
examples of what they thought required goal

In the process I ran across the following link.
These folks seem to be the most level headed
of any that I have found after many years of 
Bible reading.  You might find it interesting.

Just be sure that you walk daily with God.
And may the Lord bless you in that walk.