Friday, July 8, 2016


Frustration.  Oh!, blessed frustration.

What is frustration?
Webster has a very good explanation with fancy
words.  But to us simple people frustration is 
simply - things are not going right, or to suit
us, and we don't know what to do about it.

But frustration has a purpose.
If you are a parent you have even used it to teach
your kids.  They want to do something.  And the 
way they want to do it will not work.  As kids
[Of any age.] being kids, will not listen to you.  So,
you just let them do it their own way - which don't
work.  After they try hard enough, long enough,
they "MIGHT" listen to your instructions.

God does the same thing with us.  He let's us get
frustrated so we will stop going our way and seek
his way.   Like some of us who have to be knocked
down, before we will look up.

It can be almost anything from "a bad hair day",
work, marriage, even pleasure.  But when you are
frustrated - LOOK UP FOR HELP.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Never rely on what you think you know.
Remember the Lord in everything you do,
and he will show you the right way."
(Proverbs 3:5,6 GNT)

Here was my latest frustration.
Isn't God good.

I have liked working with engines for over seventy years.
Amongst other things, I had been an automobile  technician
for over twenty five years.  So when I got real old and was
forced to retire, working on small engines on my bench
looked like a good thing to this old man.  Well, that is 
where I started with engines as a kid so why not?

But it is like some of you know.  There is a difference
between raising rabbits and bees.  (I know from experience.)
And there is a lot of difference between working on these
small two cycle engines and car engines.


Every time I begin to think about this as a possible small
business to make some money, it turns into total frustration.

However, each time I do it to help someone out,
God seems to bless and it goes great.

There is nothing wrong with trying to earn some honest
money.  In fact that is the way God would have us do it.
But in my retired state, my real purpose is to try and do
good to help others.  That is a desire God has put in 
my heart.  So, when my motive shifts to financial
ends, I'm into frustration big time.

As one of God's kids I am learning.
But often the hard way.

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