Tuesday, July 5, 2016


"Watch out and guard yourselves 
from every kind of greed;
because your true life is not
made up of the things you 
own, no matter how rich 
you may be"
(Luke 12:15 GNT)

"Worldly wealth is the devil's bait;
and those whose minds feed upon riches,
recede in general from real happiness, in
proportion as their stores increase; as
the moon, when she is fullest of light,
is farthest from the sun."
See the list of people below  They all had two things in common.

Robin Williams
Jonathan Wraith
Slim Black
Huibert Boumeester
Christopher Foster
John Lawrenson
Wayne Pai
Paul Castle
Peter Smedley
Howard Worthington
Rei Jane Huai
Michael Marin
Peter duf.

One: They all were very wealthy.

Two: They all committed suicide.

So much for wealth making you happy

"But God said to him, 'You fool!
This very night you will have to 
give up your life; then who will
get all these things you have kept
for yourself?'"

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