Friday, March 10, 2017


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"For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
he bestows favor and honor,
No good thing does the Lord withhold
from those who walk uprightly.
O Lord of hosts,
blessed is the man who trusts in thee!
(Psalms 84:11,112 RSV)

I do not pretend to know what all this implies.
But to myself,  God as my sun means he is my source.
You know even better than myself that if we did not
have the sun in our little solar system, life for mankind,
animals or plants would be impossible.

Further, Jesus Christ, the "Son" of God is the
source of life, and, the author of creation its self.

God is preparing a city that is coming and we are
told there is no need of the sun or moon because
the glory of God is its light. (Rev. ch. 21)

Not only is God my very source, but he is my
shield or protector and the source of any favor
and honor.

Here is the key.
He does not keep back any good thing from
those who "walk uprightly". That is, those
who live the way he wants them to.  Not to
those who live in the way they want to live.

And, we are blessed if we "trust" in God
for all we do and need..

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