Sunday, December 22, 2019


I just want to share an emotion, an insight that
I experienced again today.  That is the love of
a father for his kids.

Many, many years ago I was involved in a failed
marriage and the resulting breakup from it.  There was
the initial shock of coming home from work to find
an empty house and then "existing" in a daze for
about a week.  But the emotion that still stands out
in my mind the most - wether it was the same day or
the next I do not remember - was the realization that
the kids were not there needing my help.  My kids were
gone.  What was I going to do without my kids.  How
was I going to love them and provide for them.  It hurt
me deeply.

Yes, they had a good mother.  That was not the problem.
It was that need for a father to be able to share his love
with his children.

Thank God,
as the children grew up in another state and
began to get out on their own that relationship
has been reestablished.  We share a love for
each other even if they are grandparents now.

Down to the present.
Believe it or not, I am a lot older now than I
was then.  I even have "great grandchildren"
who have grown too big to want grandpa to
hold them and love them.

I have noticed the last few days that this old
man just aches sometimes to hold a loving little
child in my arms and love them.

Today as I was walking down to get the mail
God brought something to my mind.  That is
the way God is.  God truly wants to love us,
hold us, cuddle with us, just like an earthly
father would want to do.  The Scriptures point
that out many times.  But I will only share one
of them with you.

"See how very much out Father loves us,
for he calls us his children, and that is what
we are!  But the people who belong to this 
world don't recognize that we are God's
children because they don't know him."
(1 John 3:1 NLT)

Here the Apostle is writing to the Christians.
No, everybody is not God's child.  But He
wants them to be if we will just turn to Him.

God wants to be a Father to you and love you,
if you will let Him.


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