What a great day.
Today just happens to be "Thanksgiving Day".
It is cold and rainy. But by the Grace of God, we
live in a comfortable house and though we are old
and have lived longer than most people, still able to
get around without a lot of pain and discomfort.
God gave me a good nights sleep last night. Then
my wonderful wife prepared us a delicious breakfast.
After a great meal like that a good nap is required by
this old man.
When I awoke from a real good nap it was quite and
peaceful. Very comfortable laying there in the recliner.
Now it just does not get any better than that for an old
man who is tired of all the drama of life.
Reaching over for my Bible I turned to the book of
Philippians on purpose. You see, the book of
Philippians is one of the most inspiring and encouraging
books to read in the Bible. After reading only a few verses
the Apostle Paul said, "... in my imprisonment..." WOW!
It was real easy for me to lay there and feel content with
life. But Paul was in prison in chains when he wrote
that extremely encouraging book.
What is the difference between the Apostle Paul and us?
We have to face the fact that most of us live our lives for
ourselves. Our every thought and action is about getting or
being what we want for ourselves. I know, we want things
for other people, our children, friends etc. But it is still
about us and our desires.
But the Apostle Paul's life was totally and completely
given over to Jesus Christ. In one place Paul tells us
that he "... takes very thought into captivity for Christ."
That is way Paul was able to be content - even when
in chains in prison. He was able near the close of his
epistle to the Philippians say;
"Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned
how to be content with what ever I have. I know
how to live on almost nothing or with everything.
I have learned the secret of living in every situation,
whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with
plenty or little. For I can do everything through
Christ, who gives me strength."
(Philippians 4:10 - 13 NLT)
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