Tuesday, June 12, 2012


"Give thanks to the Lord,
because he is good;
his love is eternal!
-Psalms 107:1 (GNB)

 Photo courtesy of christophermattix.wordpress.com

"Some wandered in the trackless desert
and could not find their way to a city to live in.
They were hungry and thirsty
and had given up all hope.
Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
and he saved them from their distress."
-Psalm 107:4-6 (GNB)

 Photo courtesy of safekidzone.com

"Some were living in gloom and darkness,
prisoners suffering in chains,
because they had rebelled against the 
commands of Almighty God
and had rejected his instructions.
They were worn out from hard work;
they would fall down, 
and no one would help.
Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
and he saved them from their distress."
-Psalm 107:10-13 (GNB)

Photo courtesy of www.gracebaptistchurchozar...

"Some were fools,
suffering because of their sins
and because of their evil;
they couldn't stand the
sight of food
and were close to death.
Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
and he saved them from their distress."
-Psalm 107:17-19 (GNB)

Photo courtesy of www.turnbacktogod.com

"Some sailed over the ocean in ships,
earning their living on the seas.
They saw what the Lord can do,
his wonderful acts on the seas.
He commanded, and a mighty wind began to blow
and stirred up the waves.
The ships were lifted high in the air
and plunged down into the depths.
In such danger the sailors lost their courage;
they stumbled and staggered like drunks -
all their skill was useless.
Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
and he saved them from their distress."
-Psalm 107:23-28 (GNB)

Four groups of people.
All in trouble.

The first and last group of people appear to
have been in trouble through no fault of their own.

But God in his great love saved them from
their distress - when they called to him.

The other two groups of people 
were in trouble because of their own stupidity.
They rebelled against God.
They rejected his instructions.
They were sinful.
They were evil.
And they were in trouble.

when they turned and called to the Lord,
he saved them from their distress.



http://bitsandpieces-sonja.blogspot.com/ said...

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.

Kathleen said...

Praise God! It's just that simple. Powerful & mighty, but oh so simple. No wonder it's reserved for the humble of heart.

Also, I am blessed greatly to see how far the Lord has brought you with your blog, Luther. I'm so glad you didn't throw in the towel (no doubt you called on the Lord instead :)
