Sunday, February 9, 2014


"But you do not live as your human 
nature tells you to; instead,you live 
as the Spirit tells you to - if, in fact,
 God's Spirit lives in you. Whoever 
does not have the Spirit of Christ,
 does not belong to him. But if Christ 
lives in you, the Spirit is life for you,
 because you have been put right with
 God, even though your bodies are 
going to die because of sin.  If the Spirit 
of God, who raised Jesus from death, 
lives in you, then he who raised Christ 
from death will also give life to your
 mortal bodies by the presence of his 
Spirit in you."
(Romans 8:9-11TEV)


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1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Oh how I treasure the mystery of God's indwelling spirit. Such blessed assurance.

Keep on keepin' on, my friend.
