Wednesday, December 26, 2018


You have seen old trucks before.  Even I know that.
And, there is nothing special about this one.

This one is an old 1979 Dodge Power Wagon.  I
used it for many, many years.  But I wanted something
smaller and lighter so this thing was set aside.  Then
after buying a newer smaller truck I just gave it to a
neighbor up the road a ways.

He used it to go fishing a lot around the various
farm ponds in the area.  But the point I want to 
make is how he spent a lot of time telling me what
a great hot rod he was going to make out of it.  He
was going to take the cab off and change a dozen 
other things.  That was fine with me.  But I knew
my neighbor.  After sitting at his house for a long
time he talked someone into painting it with a 
spray can.  That is what you see in the image above.
And that was as "hot rod" as it ever got. Then it sat 
and sat and sat.

I finally saw it hauled off on a wrecker.  My guess
is he traded it for a six pack of beer.

The same old truck with a little make up on the out

The lesson.  I see what seems to be a lot of professed
"Christians" who seem to have changed the outside
some, or give a real good talk.  But, in actions they
seem to have the same old insides, mind, thoughts,
 attitudes and desires.

If truly we will turn our selves over to God and allow
him to work in us, it will make that "hot rod" out of
us.  But just being "churchy" will not do it.

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