Friday, October 30, 2015


I want God more involved in my life.
But as I search through the Scriptures
I find I must consider these requisites.

"So then, submit yourselves to God.
Resist the Devil, and he will run
away from you. Come near to God,
and he will come near to you."
(James 4:7,8 GNT)

"I am the high and holy God,
who lives forever.  I live in a high
and holy place, but I also live with
people who are humble and repentant,
so that I can restore their confidence
and hope."
(Isaiah 57:15 GNT)

"No, the Lord has told us what is
good.  What he requires of us is
this; to do what is just, to show
constant love, and to live in humble
fellowship with our God."
(Micah 6:8 GNT)
"God walks with the humble; he
reveals himself to the lowly; he
gives understanding to the little
ones; he discloses his meaning to
pure minds, but hides his grace from
the curious and the proud."
- Thos. a Kemis

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