Many of us have had family members or known of
people who were living for God and a blessing to all
around them, and yet had a premature death.
My own son was that way. A young man helping his
church and it seemed everyone in the community. Yet
he was killed in an auto accident. It was one of the
largest funerals I have ever attended because of his
love for God and all around him.
I could not help but wonder, "Why Lord?" Why some
one like that instead of an old worn out man like me.
I believe the answer is in the Scripture below.
"The righteous man perishes, and no man takes it to heart;
And devout men are taken away while no one understands,
For the righteous man is taken away from evil,
He enters into peace;"
(Isiah 57:1,2 NASB)
I feel like God gave me my answer.
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