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Fake news. It is one of the big issues of the day.
One site or source I often see on Facebook I can never
trust. It is always "Breaking News". And usually something
that could be an encouragement. For example:
Kim Jong Un. The whole world would be better off
without this guy. I read that he and most of his "top
brass" had been killed my navy seals. But apparently
they did not do a good job of killing this guy.
So, latter I read that he had been killed in a terrible accident.
He had been given a snowmobile by Putin as a gift and ran
into a tree, or something killing him again.
But, it seems that Kim Jong Un does not know that he
is supposed to be dead.
But fake news is not something new. Christ himself told
"For false Christs and false prophets will arise
and will show great signs and wonders, so as to
mislead, if possible, even the elect"
(Matthew 24:24 NASB)
That is today.
I know. You say there are people you can trust.
That is true. And there have been many people
in my life time that I could trust. But, sometimes
they have been fed false or fake information. So,
they faithfully feed you the false information.
there is one thing you can trust - the HOLY BIBLE
Pick one up and you can read tomorrows news.
It will tell you what is going to happen - and it
will happen. It will tell you what is going to
happen to you - and it will.
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