Wednesday, September 11, 2019


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This picture almost demonstrates the power of a woman.
Some of you kids will not understand this.  But us 
grandfathers do.

Imagine that little girl as your granddaughter.  Or in my
case it would be a great granddaughter.  She walks up 
to you and puts on her "innocent helpless" look.  Be
assured, they know how to do it.  And when she looks
up into your face says; "Grandpaw".  Brother, you just
lost the battle.  That little girl just got anything in the 
world she wants if it is humanly possible for you to 
do or get it.

True, their mothers don't fall for that line like you 
and I do because they have been using it all their 

Ladies.  Truly it is you that I am wanting to make 
a point to.  And my first couple of illustrations would
seem to be blaming the women.  Not so, they are just 
the first to pop in my mind.  There have been many
Godly women who have used their influence to 
change the course of life for their whole family.

Consider Eve.  The very first women there ever was.
She messed up and fell for a lie so she ate some fruit
she was not suppose to.  Then she looked up into Adam's
face and said, that was good, here try some.  And the 
whole human race has been messed up ever since.

Consider Jezebel the wife of Ahab who was the 
most evil king that was ever over Israel.  
Ahab was bad to start with but then he 
married that witch Jezebel and 
the Scriptures tell us:

"(No one else so completely sold himself to what
was evil in the LORD'S sight as Ahab did under
the influence of his wife Jezebel."
(1 Kings 21:25  NLT)

One more.
Remember the daughter of Herodias who danced for
king Herod  and he was so overwhelmed that he 
promised her anything she wanted up to half of
his kingdom.

All she wanted was the head of John the Baptist,
so God's prophet lost his head because of a girl.

Something you and I have both noticed.
You have watched boys of - every age -
make absolute fools of them self to get
a girls attention.

Ladies what I am saying is that God has given
you a power and an influence over males that
can be used for good, or evil.  Are you using it
for God, or the Devil.

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