Thursday, July 29, 2021



"The LORD says, 'I will rescue
those who love me.
I will protect those who trust
in my name.
When they call on me, I will
I will be with them in trouble.
I will rescue and honor them.
I will reward them with a long
and give them my salvation." 
(Psalms 91:14 - 16 NLT)

Wednesday, July 28, 2021



Like so many rich people - I have never heard of him.
But you may have read that John McAfee died apparently
of suicide on June 23rd.

My understanding is that John, a British - American 
tycoon who made millions as a computer programmer
squandered millions on mansions all over the world.
Apparently in the process he got into legal trouble,
 died broke in a Spanish prison awaiting extradition
to the U.S.

Like so many of them, he went from the top of the
pile to the pits of hell.

Let me tell you of another one.  This particular story
that Jesus tells is another one that went from fame to
failure.  [Incidentally this one is the only president I
know of in the Scriptures for retirement.]

Jesus tells us that a wealthy farmer had such large
crops that his barns would not hold all the produce.
So, he decided to tear the old barns down and build
larger ones.  THEN RETIRE.

"But God said to him, 'You fool!
You will die this very night.  Then
who will get everything you worked
Yes, a person is a fool to store
up earthly wealth but not have a 
rich relationship with God."  
(Luke 12:20,21 NLT)

Chase the dollar if you want.
But most likely it will cost you everything 
you ultimately get INCLUDING YOUR
VERY SOUL with an eternity in the Devil's

I choose to chase after a close relationship
with Jesus Christ the creator of all and 
ultimate owner of all.


Tuesday, July 27, 2021



“Never in history has there been a

society with so much information

about God, but so little knowledge

of the Holy One.”

- K.P. Yohannan

in the Road to Reality

Sunday, July 25, 2021



The church of today when compared to the church
of the New Testament is about as useful as an old 
fashion push mower being used to mow a hay field.

Some one said;
"The early church had no building,
no money, and no political influence ...
Yet, they turned the world upside down."

My personal conviction is, they were filled with the
Holy Spirit of God.  They were directed and powered
by the Holy Spirit while we are working in the "flesh",
or our own power.

Do not expect a total answer from me on the subject.
But there is one area that God has been dealing with me
about that could be a partial answer.  And when I tell 
you, your answer will be; "I know that."  In fact any
one who has been a true born again Christian for more
than one day knows it.  But have we truly been using
this truth fully in faith - or just giving it lip service.

Jesus said;
"I tell you the truth, anyone who
believes in me will do the same 
works I have done, and even greater
works, because I am going to be 
with the Father.  You can ask for 
anything in my name, and I will do
it, so that the Son can bring glory to
the Father.  Yes, ask me for any -
thing in my name, and I will do it!"
(John 14:12 - 14 NLT)

[Consider also John 15:16 and
16:23, 24, 26.]


Read carefully John chapters 14, 15 and 16.
You will see that it not only applied to the 
"Apostles", but us as well.  Then go into the
first few chapters of Acts and you will see the
Apostles doing this very thing.

But, but, but.  This is not a magic wand that 
we can wave in the air and get what we want.

"And even when you ask, you don't
get it because your motives are all
wrong - you want only what will give
you pleasure."
(James 4:3 NLT)

"And we are confident that he hears
us whenever we ask for anything that
pleases him.  And since we know he hears
us when we make our requests, we also
know that he will give us what we ask 
(James 5:14, 15 NLT)

Am I asking for HIM, or me.

Lets ask what he wants us to and then
go out and turn the world upside down


Thursday, July 22, 2021


"God blesses those who patiently
endure testing and temptation.  
Afterward they will receive the 
crown of life that God has promised 
to those who love him."
(James 1:12 NLT)


Wednesday, July 21, 2021


My understanding is that an atheist does
not believe in God because;

the atheist cannot see God,
the atheist cannot touch or feel God,
the atheist cannot hear God,
the atheist cannot smell God,
or the atheist cannot taste God. 

So, therefore God does not exist.

But an atheist cannot;
see a radio wave,
feel a radio wave,
                                 hear a radio wave, [Without a receiver]
smell a radio wave,
taste a radio wave.

So, radio waves do not exist either.


Whether it be a radio, cell phone or a T.V. set.
or there will be no reception.

A human being is a receiver - when turned on.
And God is very receptive to a turned on person.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Sunday, July 18, 2021


Yesterday I came to my computer to get online.
But my computer refused to.  Over the years we
have used about three internet service companies.
All of them have at times had their problems and
we could not get on line.  So usually if we wait
long enough they cure their "technical difficulties"
and we can resume online.

 However after a number of waits and hours I still
could not get on line.  So I went into my office and 
tried another computer.  Yep!  It worked just fine.
O boy!  It's my computer.   Now what?

I did the same thing you do.  I first tried to reboot.
And, praise God, you can see that I am back on line
without going to the computer shop.

We all know that a computer gets filled up with a 
lot of "junk" simply by being connected to the rest
of the world.  And if you live in this old world, you
and I both get filled up with a lot of junk from life.
How do we "reboot" and clear it out?
Just like Jesus did.

Jesus had thousands of people crowding around
him.  All of them had problems and wanted him
to "fix" their problems for them.  They often 
crowed him so much that he could not even eat.

So, how did Jesus reboot?

"But Jesus often withdrew to the 
wilderness for prayer."
(Luke 5:16 NLT)

"After sending them home, he went up
into the hills by himself to pray.  Night
fell while he was there alone." 
(Matthew 14:23 NLT). 

"Before daybreak the next morning,
Jesus got up and went out to an isolated
place to pray."  
(Mark 1:35 NLT)

If Jesus himself needed to get alone and pray
to God the Father.  How much more do you 
think that we needed to getaway from it all
and spend time in prayer with God.


Thursday, July 15, 2021


"When I saw him, I fell at his feet
as if I were dead.  But he laid his right
hand on me and said,  'Don't be
afraid! I am the First and the Last.  I
am the living one.  I died, but look - I
am alive forever and ever!  And I hold
the keys of death and the grave."
(Revelation 1:17,18 NLT)


Wednesday, July 14, 2021


I was at my daughter's house knowing that I
had three great grand kids there.  They are 
cousins from three different families.

Now when you have three boys ages six to nine
playing together you expect some noise.  Lots 
of noise.  And you know that when there is no 
noise you better go looking because they are 
probably in some trouble.  So, grandpa went 
looking for the boys.

That's where I found them.  Playing with their 

I have a FaceBook account.  I know, FaceBook
is stupid.  But I have a motive.  However I have
noticed something of interest to me.  Many of my
FaceBook "friends" live in some extremely poor 
areas of the world.  If you look in the background
of their picture, you can see they are "dirt poor".
But they have a cell phone.

My point is, electronics seems to be taking over our
culture.  That is not necessarily bad.  

Most of what I see posted on social media,
TV or other means is "Godless" in nature
and lot of it is pure vile.

That kind of thing will destroy our relationship
with God.  This world and everything in it will
soon pass away.  But our soul [Our Real self]
is going to last forever - somewhere.

It is time to shut something off and grab the book
of life, the Bible.  Or, pull up the Bible on an App.
on your phone.

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of
this world, but let God transform you
into a new person by changing the way
you think.  Then you will learn to know
God's will for you, which is good and 
pleasing and perfect."  
(Romans 12:2 NLT)


Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Sunday, July 11, 2021


Can you imagine if you had invented a medicine
that actually worked.  It healed people, once and
for all as they say.

Then you would begin to sell it to people and people
would begin to get healed without going to a doctor.
You and I know that you would be in BIG trouble.  In
this country the FDA and the DEA would both have
you in trouble.

That is about the situation that Peter and John were
in.  They had healed a man crippled from birth by 
the mighty power of God.  Of course they did not
have the permission the the authorities.The powers 
that be did not like it.  Peter and John were taken 
in before the highest authorities in the land and in 

Then we read;
"The members of the council were amazed
when they saw the boldness of Peter and 
John, for they could see that they were 
ordinary men with no special training in
the Scriptures.  They also recognized them
as men who had been with Jesus."
(Acts 413 NLT)

I just love this.  Here are two fishermen that are
standing before the Supreme Court of their land
in trouble for performing a miracle.  But the 
high powered smarties they were standing before
could not have done it if they wanted.

What was the difference?
Peter and John had been with Jesus the very 
creator of earth and sustainer of life it's self.
And these smarties only had an education and
some authority handed to them.

I cannot quote it exactly but I have read several
times that Martin Luther said something like this:

"I have so much work to do today that if I do not
spend at least three hours in prayer I will never 
get it done."

Martin Luther knew the answer.  Spend time with
Jesus.  Numbers of times when becoming completely 
baffled God would give me the answer after spending
time in prayer.

Go on and try to do it on your own if you want,
But for me, I want to spend more time with Jesus


Thursday, July 8, 2021



"And then he told them, 'Go into all the 
world and preach the Good News to 
everyone.  Anyone who believes and is 
baptized will be saved.  But anyone who 
refuses to believe will be condemned."
(Mark 16:15,16 NLT)

Wednesday, July 7, 2021




The last few days I have been doing some volunteer
work on a lawn mower.  And no, the image above is
not it.  I just liked the picture.  The one I was working
on was one of the newer zero turn mowers.

I think it and some other equipment was donated to the
camp and needed "fixing" before they could be used.
Anyway the mower had a flat tire, would not start and
needed the blades sharpened as a starter.

I found a way to bypass the switch and get the mower
running.  After running it about four times I went ahead
with the repairs.

After making the repairs I could not keep the engine 
running.  Now I am not smart, educated or any of those
things.  But, I have been working with all kinds of engines
for at least seventy five years.  Have been a professional
auto technician for over a quarter of a century and have a
feel for why an engine does not run.  This one was running
out of gas.  It would start easy and then run out of gas.

I took the carb off.  Went through it.  Checked the fuel pump
out - it was O.K.  I know, I had never worked on this brand 
mower before and was not acquainted with it.  But after
working an hour or more trying to keep it running I just
gave up for the day, very discouraged.

God through the Apostle James told us;

"If you need wisdom, ask our generous
God, and he will give it to you.  He will
not rebuke you for asking."
(James 1:5 NLT)

So, I began to ask God for help.  I was 
tired, discouraged and at a complete loss,
but praying.

That night while taking my bath God begin
to reveal a different train of thought to my 
punny little brain.  Look at the electrical system
instead of the fuel system.

That was it.  A very simple fix.  I had miss 
wired a wire which blew the fuse and that
shut the fuel solenoid off.

PRAISE GOD for straightening out my thinking
on the problem.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


“Many times a dead creed imprisons a man.

You have been taught not to believe this and

not to believe that.

Your Christ has been lost in a maze of 

theological theories.

Abandon yourself to the Lordship of the Word;

act on it, and God will become real to you.”

- E.W. Kenyon


Sunday, July 4, 2021



I just saw a video of a small adopted girl,
possibly about three years old,  She was
standing on the front porch waiting for her
adopted father to return home.

When she saw him coming she began to jump
up and down acting excited just like a small
child would.  Really it tore at my heart like a
small child can,

But think about it.
If you are a true Christian, born again by the
Holy Spirit of God you are adopted into God's
family.  And, someday Jesus is returning to 
take us home to be with him.

are too wrapped up in this world to
get excited?

"Look!  He comes with the clouds of heaven.
And everyone will see him - even those who pierced him.
And all the nations of the world will mourn for him.
Yes! Amen!"
(Revelation 1:7 NLT)

Thursday, July 1, 2021



"Since you have been raised to 
new life with Christ, set your
sights on the realities of heaven,
where Christ sits in the place of 
honor at God's right hand." 
(Colossians 3:1 NLT)