Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Are we too smart for our own good?

Pardon me while I go an another "rant".
The last few years I have become so extremely 
tired of "dead" churches.  Oh, some of them have
a lot of programs going and make a lot of noise.
But they are like the church at Sardis where 
Christ said;

"I know all the things you do,
and that you have a reputation
for being alive - but your are dead."
(Revelation 3:1b NLT)

When was the last time you went to a church where
the sick were being healed, the blind seeing and the 
cripples walking?  I know.  There is a popular teaching
going around today that all of that stopped with the
time of the Apostles.  BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE.

Anybody willing to read outside of their own little
church circle can find that signs and wonders and
miracles still take place different places in the world
today.  One example.

There is an evangelist that is dead now, but just a
few years back when I was younger he was having
thousands of people healed of their sickness, blindness
or cripples healed.  I admit, back then I did not pay
any attention to him because - I did not like his looked.
But apparently God liked the way he looked.

But as I read back about a lot of the signs and wonders
that have taken place and still take place I note that
many of the times these are in areas where the people
are, could we say, simple and uneducated.

O.K.  You have got your doctorate.  Well, go and 
heal somebody.  Heal a cripple or blind person.
You might want to take your credentials with you so
that the person you are healing knows how qualified
you are to do the impossible for them.

I am beginning to think that the truth lies in a 
truth that Jesus pointed out a number of times;

"I tell you the truth, anyone
who doesn't receive the King-
do of God like a child will 
never enter it."
(Luke 18:17 NLT)

I am thinking that we are letting our brain get in
the way of a simple faith from the heart like a child.

"Stop deceiving yourselves.  If
you think you are wise by this
world's standards, you need to 
become a fool to be truly wise.
For the wisdom of this world is
foolishness to God.  As the 
Scriptures say,
'He traps the wise in the
snare of their own cleverness'
And again,
'The LORD knows the thoughts
of the wise; he knows they are
(1 Corinthians 3:18 - 20 NLT)

God, please give me the simple trusting 
faith of a child so you can work through
even me.


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