Sunday, February 13, 2022


I spent over a quarter of century as a professional
auto technician.  I remember yet one of the young
mechanics was given the job of putting a power
steering pump on a Lincoln LS.

The boy put the pump on and parked the car.
But when the customer came to get the car
he could not steer it.  The boy had not even
tested it.  That went over real big on a fancy 
car like that.

Every thing should be tested.  A cook will often
taste things to see if it tastes right.  A woman will
move something in the house and then stand back
and look to see if it looks right.  You taste things
to see if you even want to eat it.  Hey!  Even God
tests things.


"Until the time came to fulfill his dreams,
the LORD tested Joseph's character."
(Psalms 105:19 NLT)

No.  I do not like being tested by man or 
God.  But that is part of our existence.
So, with God's help I'll try to work with
him instead of against him when I'm tested.

"Dear brothers and sisters, when
troubles of any kind come your
way, consider it an opportunity 
for great joy.  For you know that 
when your faith is tested, your
endurance has a chance to grow.  So
let it grow, for when your endurance
is fully developed, you will be perfect
and complete needing nothing."
(James 1:2-4 NLT)


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