Sunday, January 17, 2021


Last night God reminded me of one of many prayers
he has answered for me over the years.

Possibly thirty years ago I was summoned to jury duty.
At that period of time the family finances was real tight.
I plain and simply could not afford to miss work to be
doing jury duty.  It is true, they would pay a nominal fee
for showing up at the courthouse and pay a minimum
milage fee.  But that would not buy much groceries.

However, God said,

"Then call on me when you are in trouble,
and I will rescue you, and you will give 
me glory." 
(Psalms 50:15 NLT)

Knowing this I so well remember going up into the
field behind the house, getting down on my knees
in an old yellow Ford up there and praying about
the matter.

The outcome.
My employer decided to pay me full salary while 
on jury duty.  

when the money come in to me from the county
for my time on jury duty I tried to give it to my 
employer because he had paid me full salary while
on jury duty.  He would not take it.

Praise God,
rather than being behind finically I came out ahead.


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