Sunday, June 19, 2022



"In the wilderness their desires ran wild,
testing God's patience in that dry wasteland.
So he gave them what they asked for, but he
sent a plague along with it."
(Psalms 106:14,15 NLT)

Some versions instead of "plague" say;
he sent "a wasting disease".

How many times have you got what you
wanted, only to find out you made a mistake.
And sometimes a serious mistake.

A few minutes ago I was reflecting on three
distinct things I wanted and prayed for over
my life.  I wanted them more than anything 
in life and prayed for them.  But, I can now
see that if God had allowed me to have them
it would have been a serious mistake.

They all would have given me "pleasure",
at least for a time.  But likely would have
destroyed me.

Before I want something I need to first
check and see if it is God's will for me.

"Yet you don't have what you want because
you don't ask God for it.  And even when 
you ask, you don't get it because your motives
are all wrong - you want only what will give
you pleasure."
(James 4:2,3 NLT)

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