Wednesday, June 22, 2022

My wife passed away about two years ago.
We have not been in a hurry to discard all
of her things.  I guess we are hanging on to
the memory of her.

A few days ago a great grandson came in 
with a box full of these little things on the
window sill.  My wife was fascinated by these
little things.  They wiggle, move, dance etc.
So the boy put them up there in the window.

That is what got me to thinking.
She throughly enjoyed the simple little things.
But when she passed away she did not take them
with her.
And she did not take a wardrobe full of clothes
she had.
And she did not that her car with her.
And she did not take the money she had
in the bank with her.

No wonder Jesus said;
"Don't store up treasures here on 
earth, where moths eat them and
rust destroys them, and where
thieves break in and steal.
Store your treasures in heaven, where
moths and rust cannot destroy, and
thieves do not break in and steal.
Wherever your treasure is, there
the desires of your heart will also be.
(Matthew 6:19-21 NLT)

After we have finished this life here on
earth, we are all going to spend eternity
somewhere.  Is it better to spend our time,
money and efforts on things that will only
last a few years here on earth, or where
we will be forever?

"We all come to the end of our lives
as naked and empty handed as the 
day we are born.  We can't take our
our riches with us."
(Ecclesiastes 5:15 NLT) 


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