Wednesday, October 26, 2022


I don't know about you, but I want to do 
something for God.  Yet, here I sit, a 

The world tells us to have great dreams.
Strive to accomplish your goals.
God has a plan for your life.

But, is that God's way?
Consider two women and their service
to God.  Jesus sets both of them before
us as examples to follow.

There was the woman who poured her
expensive perfume on Jesus.  In another
place of the Scriptures we get the impression
that she may even have had a bad reputation.

Now over a long life and my experiences
around women my guess is that was her
 prized possession.  But, she gave it all
to Jesus.  Not just a smell of it, but poured 
it on him. She was criticized for it, but 
Jesus said;

"She has done what she could..."
(Mark 14:8 NLT)

Then Jesus was in the temple with
his disciples and another example
comes by.

"Then a poor widow came by and 
dropped in two small coins.
'I tell you the truth,' Jesus said,
'this poor widow has given more than
all the rest of them.  For they have
given a tiny part of their surplus, 
but she, poor as she is, has given
everything she has."
(Luke 21:2-4 NLT)

Did you catch that.  The one with 
least - did the most.  Why?  She
gave all she had. 

Remember, Jesus tells us;

"And if you give even a cup of cold
water to one of the least of my 
followers, you will surely be 
(Matthew 10:42 NLT)

so I don't have anything and
cannot do anything.  But Jesus is only
asking me to do what little I can and all
I can.

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