Wednesday, June 26, 2019


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An easy life is something that we all desire.
I do not know about you, but I get tired of all
the pressures and problems of life.  It is enough
to make a person want to run off and hide 

But, is that good?
Consider this comment.

"An easy life is one of the greatest deterrents to a
man's seeking after God, and one of the biggest
threats to Christian growth."
- Thomas A. Davis

That makes sense to me.
If everything is going well with no problems
or needs, why look for help.  You would be
"lulled" to sleep in the face of reality.  A reality
that most of us do not want to face.

Some years ago after a war had ended in Ethiopia
Mr. Thomas Davis reports that;
"... an Ethiopian Christian wrote a letter in which
he reported that now that the war had ended, Christians
in his country were becoming lax in their living.  He
he prayed that trouble might come again, that faith
might grow strong once more."

If the problems of life does not drive us to seek
after God and a relationship with Him.  We will
loose every thing we have worked for or hoped 
for on this earth.  And worse yet, our soul would
be damed for eternity.

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles
come your way, consider it an opportunity for
great joy.  For you know that when your faith
is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully
developed, you will be perfect and complete,
needing nothing."
(James 2 - 4 NLT)

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