Sunday, March 7, 2021



I am thinking of the Apostle Paul.  From the very start of
his Christian life it was a constant fight.  A few days after
Paul's encounter with Jesus God sent Ananias over to pray
for Paul.  God told Ananias when he sent him to Paul;

"And I will show him how much he must
suffer for my name's sake."
(Acts 9:16 NLT)  

If you have read the book of Acts you know that from
the day Paul became a Christian and he begin to speak
out for Christ the Jews tried to kill him.  In fact they kept
trying to kill him in one way or the other thought out 
Paul's entire life.   They would follow him from one town
to another staring up trouble for Paul.

Is it any wonder when I begin reading in 2  Corinthians
Paul said;

"We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond
our ability to endure, and we thought we
would never live through it.  In fact, we
expected to die.  But as a result, we stopped
relying on ourselves and learned to rely on
God, who raises the dead.  And he did rescue
us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us
(2 Corinthians 1:8-10 NLT)

Being as I have lived past my three score and ten
years.  Even well past my four score years I can
so well relate to Pauls comment in 2 Corinthians
chapter five.

"While we live in these earthly bodies, we
groan and sigh, but it's not that we want
to die and get rid of these bodies that
clothe us.  Rather we want to put on our
new bodies so that these dying bodies will
be swallowed up by life." 
(2 Corinthians 5:4 NLT)

So where does Paul go when in a life that is 
constantly trying to destroy him when he is 

"But God, who encourages those who
are discouraged, ..."
(2 Corinthians 7:6 NLT)

Yes, I was sorta at a low point when I read over
all this.


Where do you turn when you are discouraged?


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