Sunday, January 2, 2022


Do you ever get tired of seeing some people's
picture, or hearing about what they did?
I do.

Let them say some thing smart, do a good
deed, or accomplish some feat and you 
never hear the end of it.

It may be true that in some cases it is the
fault of the media simply wanting news
to publish.  It might not be the person 
seeking recognition.  But in most cases it
seems that the recognition or fame is 

Take heart.  There is a time coming when
the rich, famous, shakers and doers will
not be the "top dogs".  Things as we know
them are going to be reversed.
Consider the attitude that Jesus expresses.

"Jesus replied, 'I assure you that
when the world is made new and
the Son of Man sits upon his glorious
throne, ......
"But many who are the greatest now
will be least important then, and those
who seem least important now will be
the greatest then."
(Matthew 19:28 & 30 NLT)

Or consider when the disciples had a

"But Jesus called them together and said,
'You know that the rulers in this 
world lord it over their people, and
officials flaunt their authority over
those under them.  But among you
it will be different.  Whoever wants 
to be a leader among you must be
your servant, and whoever wants
to be first among you must become
your slave.  For even the Son of
Man came not to be served but to
serve others and to give his life as
a ransom for many."
(Matthew 20:25 - 28 NLT)

I do not want to be a leader now,
or even then.  I do not want any fame
then either.  I just want to get there.
But I see that I need to humble myself
before God and men even now.

"The greatest among you must be
a servant.  But those who exalt themselves
will be humbled, and those who humble
themselves will be exalted."
(Matthew 23:11,12 NLT)

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