Sunday, March 27, 2022



"Casey"  Casey Jones was my father-in-law.
No, not the ball player.  "Casey" was the 
nickname of Evan Jones.  I think he had 
picked up the nickname "Casey" because 
he used to play baseball long before I 
ever came along.

"Casey" was a simple hard working carpenter
raising a family of six children.  Not highly
educated but a deacon in the Church and 
well thought of through out the community.

The image above is not "Casey".  But what
the above image has similar to "Casey" is,
the mouth is closed.

"Casey" did not talk a lot.  He was a quite
man.  I can remember when I used to ask him
a question I thought he was never even going
to answer me.  It was frustrating to me.  But,
in time I learned "Casey" was thinking about
what and how to answer me.  And you can be
sure that when "Casey" gave me an answer -
it was correct.  He never had to backtrack and
change his answer like most of us have to do,

What was frustrating to me then is the very
thing I admire in the man now.

You and I both know that most people have
plenty of time to talk, but very little time to
listen.  "Casey" was the other way.

Through the apostle James God said;

"You must all be quick to listen,
slow to speak, and slow to get
(James 1:19 NLT)

May I be more like "Casey".


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